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DPF Remover is The multifunction application for the professional garage that looks for a versatile solution to his daily tuning chores. and why is it called DPF Remover with the vast list of solutions it has? simply put that's how it started and we like the name. ...having said the obvious things now let's talk about what DPF Remover can do for you. The software is designed and developed by the same technicians that work on a daily basis on these same vehicles, we have the same problems that you have and we continue to evolve just like the software. All the input from our experiences and your experiences is collected into a cutting edge application which like many of our other software's was first made for us and later released for you. The most frequent question I get by email is "Does this software really work? do all solutions work?", well let me put it this way - nothing is perfect - and the large number of vehicle firmwares and updates available can break a working solution. This does not even consider the different possible extra damages any vehicle can have outside of what it is you are trying to accomplish. This is just common fact. Here is a summary listing of the currently available solutions: DTC OFF - Remove faults from the engine ecu DPF OFF - Disable the diesel particulate filter EGR OFF (Unplugged) - Remove the EGR valve EGR OFF - Disable the operation of the EGR valve EGR CLOSE - The EGR valve is closed except during particle filter regeneration VMAX OFF - Disable the speed limiter SWIRL OFF - Disable the operation of the flaps in the intake manifold KAT OFF - Disable the catalyst diagnosis MAF MAP - Enable air mass calculation by the boost sensor MAP LIN - Modify the boost linearization for a 4 Bar sensor MAF OFF - Remove the mass air flow sensor ADBLUE OFF - Disable the selective catalytic reduction (SCR) OBD PROT - Disable reading by the OBD port HOT START - Allows the engine to start when it is hot TRQ UNLOCK - Disable the torque monitoring protection TPROT OFF - Disable the OBD anti tuning protection TVA OFF - Remove the throttle valve actuator TVA UNLOCK - Unlock the throttle valve actuator maximum opening INJ CODES - Disable the signaling of faulty injectors SPORT KAT - Disable the catalyst diagnosis keeping the lambda probe The software's user interface is intentionally kept simple because it proves to be less intrusive, we do it this way: 1. select an ecu model from the list; 2. read the message panel for any recommendations that need to be followed on the vehicle; 3. load the file that was read by OBD, Bootmode or BDM; 4. press the PROCESS button. If there are any reasons that might prevent the application from applying it's modifications you will get a message back with a description of the situation and you can send us your stock ecu file for manual intervention on the helpdesk support portal. License: -------- IT: Read "Contratto_di_Licenza_Software.pdf" EN: Read "Software_License_Agreement.pdf" Release history: ---------------- Release 2.4.2 Build 1570 (02.09.2023) - Updated faults removal integration Release 2.4.0 Build 1568 (24.08.2023) - Updated software protection - General refresh of the GUI - Added dropdowm main menu - Added the functionality to display control unit location - Added option to install RustDesk for remote assistance during the setup - Added option to choose the newer USB drivers or the older legacy drivers during the setup - Added language support for the faults removal window - Added BMW Sports Display calibration module - Added Siemens C167 data bus encoding/decoding module - Added Siemens Simos3 data bus encoding/decoding module - Added file compare functionality - Updated the faults removal engine Release 2.0.0 Build 1538 (04.07.2022) - Updated software protection - Changed the product name to Petrol10 (pronounced Petrolio) - Added adaptive online engine - Added AIQuantum engine (Visual Artificial Intelligence) - Added FANN engine (Fast Artificial Neural Network) - Revisited the GUI layout and coding of the Autotimtive Calculation module preparing the grounds for the upcomming BAPRO dyno integration - Updated the faults removal engine Release Notes: NEW SOLUTIONS AND UPDATES ARE NOW PROVIDED AUTOMATICALLY ONLINE Release 1.9.2 Build 1521 (23.05.2022) - Added BMW BOSCH EDC17C06/CP02/CP09 EGR CLOSE - Added BMW BOSCH EDC17C41/C50/C56 EGR CLOSE - Added BMW BOSCH EDC17CP45/CP49 EGR CLOSE - Added Ford CONTINENTAL SID211 ADBLUE OFF - Added Ford CONTINENTAL SID211 EGR OFF - Added Ford CONTINENTAL SID211 TRQ UNLOCK - Added Ford CONTINENTAL SID211 VMAX OFF - Added Ford CONTINENTAL SID211 DPF OFF - Added Mercedes DELPHI CRD3-651 ADBLUE OFF - Updated BMW BOSCH EDC17C41/C50/C56 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated BMW BOSCH EDC17CP09 ADBLUE OFF with more variants - Updated PSA Group DELPHI DCM 6.2A/C ADBLUE OFF with more variants - Updated PSA Group BOSCH EDC15C2 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated PSA Group BOSCH EDC17C60 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated PSA Group CONTINENTAL SID208 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated PSA Group BOSCH ME7.9.5/51/52 KAT OFF with more variants - Updated FCA Group/Jeep BOSCH EDC17 TRQ UNLOCK with more variants - Updated FCA Group/Jeep BOSCH EDC17C69 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA Group/Jeep BOSCH EDC17C69 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated FCA Group/Jeep BOSCH EDC17CP27 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated FCA Group/Jeep BOSCH EDC17CP27 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA Group/Jeep MARELLI MM8GMF KAT OFF with more variants - Updated Ford BOSCH EDC17C10 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Ford BOSCH EDC17C70 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford CONTINENTAL SID209 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SIEMENS SID803A EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Hyundai/Kia BOSCH EDC17C08/CP14/C53/C57 TRQ UNLOCK with more variants - Updated Iveco BOSCH EDC16C39 TVA OFF with more variants - Updated Jaguar SIEMENS SID204 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Land Rover SIEMENS SID204 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mazda DENSO SH725X (2.2 Skyactiv-D) DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes BOSCH EDC17C66 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes BOSCH EDC17CP46 ADBLUE OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes BOSCH EDC17CP46 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes BOSCH EDC16C2/EDC16C31/C32/CP31 EGR OFF (Unplugged) with more variants - Updated Mini BOSCH EDC17C41/C50/C56 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Porsche BOSCH EDC17CP14/CP44 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault BOSCH EDC16CP33 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault/Nissan/Dacia/Mercedes CONTINENTAL SID310 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault/Nissan/Dacia/Mercedes CONTINENTAL SID310 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group BOSCH EDC17C64 ADBLUE OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group BOSCH EDC17C74 ADBLUE OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group BOSCH EDC17C74 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group BOSCH EDC17CP04/CP14/CP20 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group BOSCH EDC17CP44/CP54 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group BOSCH EDC17CP44/CP54 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Volvo SIEMENS SID803A EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Volvo BOSCH EDC16C31 EGR OFF with more variants - Upgraded BMW BOSCH EDC16C31/C35/CP35 SWIRL OFF with additional features - Upgraded BMW BOSCH EDC17C06/CP02/CP09 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded PSA Group DELPHI DCM 6.2A/C DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded PSA Group BOSCH EDC17C60 ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded PSA Group BOSCH EDC17C60 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded FCA Group BOSCH EDC16C39 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded FCA Group BOSCH EDC16C39 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded FCA Group BOSCH EDC16C39 SWIRL OFF with additional features - Upgraded FCA Group BOSCH EDC16C8 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded FCA Group BOSCH EDC16C9 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded FCA Group/Jeep BOSCH EDC17C49 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded FCA Group/Jeep BOSCH EDC17C49 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded FCA Group/Jeep BOSCH EDC17C49 SWIRL OFF with additional features - Upgraded FCA Group/Jeep BOSCH EDC17C69 ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded FCA Group/Jeep BOSCH EDC17C69 SWIRL OFF with additional features - Upgraded FCA Group SIEMENS SID803A EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Ford CONTINENTAL SID209 ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded Ford CONTINENTAL SID209 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Hyundai/Kia BOSCH EDC16C39 TVA OFF with additional features - Upgraded Iveco BOSCH EDC17C49 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Land Rover VISTEON DCU10x EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Land Rover BOSCH EDC17CP42 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Land Rover/Jaguar BOSCH MEDC17.9 ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mercedes DELPHI CRD2-651 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mercedes DELPHI CRD3-651 TRQ UNLOCK with additional features - Upgraded Mercedes DELPHI CRD3-651 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mercedes BOSCH EDC15C6 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mercedes BOSCH EDC16C31 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mercedes BOSCH EDC16C32 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mitsubishi DENSO 4N13/14 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mitsubishi DENSO SH7058 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Opel DELCO E87 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Opel DENSO SH7058/59 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Opel BOSCH EDC16C9/C39 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault BOSCH EDC17C42 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault/Nissan/Dacia/Opel BOSCH EDC17C84 ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault/Nissan/Dacia/Opel BOSCH EDC17C84 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault/Nissan/Dacia/Opel BOSCH EDC17C84 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault/Nissan/Dacia/Opel BOSCH EDC17C84 TRQ UNLOCK with additional features - Upgraded Renault/Nissan/Dacia/Mercedes CONTINENTAL SID310 ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded Smart BOSCH EDC16C32 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Toyota DENSO (2.0D-4D/2.2D-4D) DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Toyota DENSO (2.0D-4D/2.2D-4D) EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Toyota BOSCH EDC17CP07 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group DELPHI DCM 6.2V ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group DELPHI DCM 6.2V DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC16U1/U31/U34 SWIRL OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC17U01/U05 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC16CP34 TVA OFF with additional features Release 1.9.1 Build 1518 (25.02.2022) - Added BMW BOSCH EDC17C50 ADBLUE OFF - Added Ford CONTINENTAL SID209 ADBLUE OFF - Added Ford CONTINENTAL SID209 EGR OFF - Added Ford CONTINENTAL SID209 VMAX OFF - Added Ford CONTINENTAL SID209 DPF OFF - Added Iveco BOSCH EDC17CP52 TRQ UNLOCK - Added Jeep BOSCH EDC17C79 TRQ UNLOCK - Added Maserati BOSCH EDC17C79 TRQ UNLOCK - Added Opel BOSCH EDC17C59 TRQ UNLOCK - Added Renault/Opel BOSCH EDC17C11 EGR OFF - Added Renault/Opel BOSCH EDC17C11 DPF OFF - Updated Chevrolet DELPHI DCM 3.7 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford DELPHI DCM 6.1 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Ford CONTINENTAL SID208 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes BOSCH EDC17CP46 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mitsubishi DENSO 4N13/14 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Opel DELPHI DCM 3.7 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Porsche BOSCH EDC17CP14/CP44 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault/Nissan/Dacia CONTINENTAL SID301/303 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault/Nissan/Dacia CONTINENTAL SID301/303 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group BOSCH EDC17CP44/CP54 DPF OFF with more variants - Upgraded BMW BOSCH EDC17CP09 ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded BMW BOSCH EDC17CP45/CP49 ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded PSA Group DELPHI DCM 6.2A/C ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded PSA Group DELPHI DCM 6.2A/C TRQ UNLOCK with additional features - Upgraded PSA Group SIEMENS SID803 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded PSA Group SIEMENS SID803A EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Dacia BOSCH EDC17C42 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Dodge BOSCH EDC16U31 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Dodge BOSCH EDC16U31 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded FCA Group DELPHI DCM 3.5 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded FCA Group BOSCH EDC17CP52 VMAX OFF with additional features - Upgraded Ford DELPHI DCM 6.1 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Ford BOSCH EDC17C10 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Ford BOSCH EDC17C70 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Ford BOSCH EDC17C70 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Ford MARELLI MJ8DF3 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Ford BOSCH EDC16C3 EGR OFF (Unplugged) with additional features - Upgraded Hyundai/Kia BOSCH EDC16C39 SWIRL OFF with additional features - Upgraded Hyundai/Kia BOSCH EDC16C39 TVA OFF with additional features - Upgraded Hyundai/Kia BOSCH EDC17C08 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Hyundai/Kia BOSCH EDC17C08 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Hyundai/Kia BOSCH EDC17C53 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Hyundai/Kia BOSCH EDC17C53 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Isuzu Transtron EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Jeep DELPHI CRD2-651 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Jeep BOSCH EDC17C49 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Jeep BOSCH EDC17C79 ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mahindra BOSCH EDC17C53 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Maserati BOSCH EDC17C79 ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded Maserati BOSCH EDC17C79 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mazda BOSCH EDC16C3 EGR OFF (Unplugged) with additional features - Upgraded Mercedes BOSCH EDC17C66 ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mercedes BOSCH EDC17C66 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mercedes BOSCH EDC17C66 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mercedes BOSCH EDC17CP46 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Nissan BOSCH EDC17C42 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Nissan BOSCH EDC17C84 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Opel DELCO E87 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Opel BOSCH EDC17C42 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault BOSCH EDC16C36 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault/Nissan/Dacia CONTINENTAL SID305/306 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault/Nissan/Dacia CONTINENTAL SID305/306 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault/Nissan/Dacia CONTINENTAL SID307 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault/Nissan/Dacia CONTINENTAL SID307 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault BOSCH EDC17C42 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault/Nissan/Dacia/Mercedes CONTINENTAL SID310 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault/Nissan/Dacia/Mercedes CONTINENTAL SID310 ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault/Nissan/Dacia/Mercedes CONTINENTAL SID310 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault/Nissan/Dacia CONTINENTAL SID305/306 INJ CODES with additional features - Upgraded Smart BOSCH ME7.7 KAT OFF with additional features - Upgraded Toyota DENSO (2.0D-4D/2.2D-4D) DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC17C74 ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded Volvo SIEMENS SID803A EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Volvo BOSCH EDC15C11 EGR OFF with additional features Release 1.9.0 Build 1517 (07.02.2022) - Updated software protection - Integrated faults removal dialog - Fixed "Trastfer to DTC Remover" showing disabled after the recent DTC Remover security update - Added BMW BOSCH EDC17CP09 ADBLUE OFF - Added BMW BOSCH EDC17CP45/CP49 ADBLUE OFF - Added FCA Group BOSCH EDC17C69 ADBLUE OFF - Added FCA Group BOSCH EDC17CP52 VMAX OFF - Added FCA Group BOSCH EDC17CP52 TRQ UNLOCK - Added Isuzu Transtron EGR OFF - Added Isuzu Transtron DPF OFF - Added Jeep BOSCH EDC17C49 EGR OFF - Added Jeep BOSCH EDC17C49 DPF OFF - Added Jeep BOSCH EDC17C49 SWIRL OFF - Added Jeep BOSCH EDC17C69 ADBLUE OFF - Added Jeep BOSCH EDC17C79 ADBLUE OFF - Added Jeep BOSCH EDC17C79 DPF OFF - Added Maserati BOSCH EDC17C79 ADBLUE OFF - Added Maserati BOSCH EDC17C79 EGR OFF - Added Maserati BOSCH EDC17C79 DPF OFF - Added Mercedes BOSCH EDC17C66 ADBLUE OFF - Added Mercedes BOSCH EDC17C66 DPF OFF - Added Mercedes BOSCH EDC17C66 EGR OFF - Added Opel BOSCH EDC17C18/C19 TRQ UNLOCK - Added Renault/Nissan/Dacia CONTINENTAL SID303 EGR OFF - Added Renault/Nissan/Dacia CONTINENTAL SID303 DPF OFF - Added VAG Group BOSCH EDC17C74 ADBLUE OFF - Added VAG Group BOSCH EDC17C74 EGR OFF - Added VAG Group BOSCH EDC17C74 DPF OFF - Added Volvo SIEMENS SID202/206 EGR OFF - Added Volvo SIEMENS SID202/206 DPF OFF - Updated BMW BOSCH EDC17C41/C50/C56 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated BMW BOSCH EDC17CP45/CP49 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated PSA Group DELPHI DCM 6.2A/C ADBLUE OFF with more variants - Updated PSA Group DELPHI DCM 6.2A/C DPF OFF with more variants - Updated PSA Group BOSCH EDC17C60 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated PSA Group BOSCH EDC16C3/C34 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Dacia CONTINENTAL SID305/306 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Dacia BOSCH EDC17C42 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Dacia BOSCH EDC17C84 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Dacia BOSCH EDC17C84 EGR OFF (Unplugged) with more variants - Updated BMW BOSCH EDC16C31/C35 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA Group BOSCH EDC16C39 TVA OFF with more variants - Updated FCA Group BOSCH EDC16C39 MAP LIN with more variants - Updated FCA Group BOSCH EDC17 TRQ UNLOCK with more variants - Updated FCA Group BOSCH EDC17C49 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated FCA Group BOSCH EDC17C69 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated FCA Group MARELLI MJ9DF EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SIEMENS SID202/206 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Hyundai/Kia BOSCH EDC17CP14 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Jeep BOSCH EDC16C2/CP31/U31 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Jeep BOSCH EDC17C69 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Jeep BOSCH EDC17C69 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Jeep BOSCH EDC17 TRQ UNLOCK with more variants - Updated Land Rover SIEMENS SID204 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Land Rover/Jaguar BOSCH MEDC17.9 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Land Rover/Jaguar BOSCH MEDC17.9 ADBLUE OFF with more variants - Updated Mazda DENSO SH725X (2.2 Skyactiv-D) DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes DELPHI CRD3-651 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes BOSCH EDC16C31 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes CONTINENTAL SID310 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes BOSCH EDC16C2/EDC16C31/C32/CP31 EGR OFF (Unplugged) with more variants - Updated Mini BOSCH EDC17C41/C50/C56 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Nissan BOSCH EDC17C42 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Nissan BOSCH EDC17C84 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Nissan BOSCH EDC17C84 EGR OFF (Unplugged) with more variants - Updated Porsche BOSCH EDC17CP14/CP44 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault BOSCH EDC17C84 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault BOSCH EDC17C84 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Toyota DENSO (2.0D-4D/2.2D-4D) DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Toyota BOSCH ME7.9.5/51/52 KAT OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group DELPHI DCM 6.2V ADBLUE OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group BOSCH EDC16U1/U31/U34 TVA OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group BOSCH EDC17CP04/CP14/CP20 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group BOSCH EDC17CP44/CP54 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group BOSCH EDC17CP44/CP54 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group BOSCH EDC16CP34 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Volvo SIEMENS SID803 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Volvo SIEMENS SID803A DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Volvo BOSCH EDC16C31 EGR OFF with more variants - Upgraded BMW BOSCH EDC17C06/CP02 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded BMW BOSCH EDC17C41/C50 SWIRL OFF with additional features - Upgraded BMW BOSCH EDC17CP09 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded BMW BOSCH EDC17CP45/CP49 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded BMW BOSCH EDC17CP45/CP49 SWIRL OFF with additional features - Upgraded Chevrolet BOSCH EDC16C39 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Chevrolet DELPHI DCM 3.7 SWIRL OFF with additional features - Upgraded PSA Group DELPHI DCM 3.5 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded PSA Group DELPHI DCM 6.2A/C EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded PSA Group DELPHI DCM 6.2A/C TRQ UNLOCK with additional features - Upgraded PSA Group BOSCH EDC17C60 ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded Dacia CONTINENTAL SID310 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Dacia CONTINENTAL SID310 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Dacia BOSCH EDC17C42 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Dacia BOSCH EDC17C84 ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded Dacia BOSCH EDC17C84 TRQ UNLOCK with additional features - Upgraded FCA Group MARELLI MJD6JF/6F3 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Ford BOSCH EDC16C3/C34 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Opel MARELLI MJD6 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded FCA Group BOSCH EDC16C39 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded FCA Group BOSCH EDC17C49 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded FCA Group BOSCH EDC17C69 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded FCA Group BOSCH EDC17CP52 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded FCA Group BOSCH EDC17CP52 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded FCA Group MARELLI MJ8DF2/F3 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded FCA Group MARELLI MJ9DF DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Ford DELPHI DCM 6.1 TRQ UNLOCK with additional features - Upgraded Ford BOSCH EDC17C70 (1.5TDCI) DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Ford CONTINENTAL SID208 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Hyundai/Kia BOSCH EDC16C39 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Iveco BOSCH EDC17C49 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Iveco BOSCH EDC17C49 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Iveco BOSCH EDC17C69 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Jaguar SIEMENS SID204 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Jeep BOSCH EDC16CP31 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Land Rover/Jaguar BOSCH MEDC17.9 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Land Rover/Jaguar BOSCH MEDC17.9 SWIRL OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mercedes BOSCH EDC16C31 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mercedes BOSCH EDC17CP46 ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mercedes BOSCH EDC17CP46 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mercedes CONTINENTAL SID310 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mini BOSCH EDC16C35 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Nissan BOSCH EDC16C36 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Nissan CONTINENTAL SID310 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Nissan CONTINENTAL SID310 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Nissan BOSCH EDC17C42 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Nissan BOSCH EDC17C84 ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded Nissan BOSCH EDC17C84 TRQ UNLOCK with additional features - Upgraded Nissan CONTINENTAL SID305/306 INJ CODES with additional features - Upgraded Opel BOSCH EDC16C36 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Opel BOSCH EDC16C9/C39 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Opel BOSCH EDC17C42 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Opel BOSCH EDC17C42 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault BOSCH EDC16C36 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault BOSCH EDC16C36 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault CONTINENTAL SID310 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault CONTINENTAL SID310 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault BOSCH EDC17C42 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault BOSCH EDC17C42 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault BOSCH EDC17C84 ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault BOSCH EDC17C84 TRQ UNLOCK with additional features - Upgraded Renault CONTINENTAL SID305/306 INJ CODES with additional features - Upgraded Smart BOSCH EDC16C32 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Toyota DENSO (2.0D-4D/2.2D-4D) EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Toyota BOSCH EDC17C73 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group DELPHI DCM 6.2V DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC16U1/U31 MAF OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC17C46 ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC17C64 ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC17C64 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC17C64 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC17CP04/CP14/CP20 EGR OFF with additional features Release 1.8.7 Build 1512 (06.09.2021) - Updated the core machine learning engine - Updated PSA Group DELPHI DCM 6.2A ADBLUE OFF with more variants - Updated Dacia BOSCH EDC17C84 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SIEMENS SID202/206 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Land Rover/Jaguar BOSCH MEDC17.9 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Land Rover/Jaguar BOSCH MEDC17.9 ADBLUE OFF with more variants - Updated Nissan BOSCH EDC17C84 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault BOSCH EDC17C84 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group BOSCH EDC17CP04/CP14/CP20 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group BOSCH EDC17CP44/CP54 DPF OFF with more variants - Upgraded BMW BOSCH EDC17C41/C50 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded BMW BOSCH EDC17C41/C50 SWIRL OFF with additional features - Upgraded Dacia BOSCH EDC17C84 EGR OFF (Unplugged) with additional features - Upgraded Iveco BOSCH EDC17C49 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Land Rover/Jaguar BOSCH MEDC17.9 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Land Rover/Jaguar BOSCH MEDC17.9 SWIRL OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mercedes BOSCH EDC16C31 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mercedes BOSCH EDC17CP46 ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded Nissan BOSCH EDC17C84 EGR OFF (Unplugged) with additional features - Upgraded Renault BOSCH EDC17C42 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault BOSCH EDC17C84 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Toyota DENSO (2.0D-4D/2.2D-4D) DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group DELPHI DCM 6.2V ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group DELPHI DCM 6.2V DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC17CP04/CP14/CP20 EGR OFF with additional features Release 1.8.6 Build 1508 (10.08.2021) - Updated BMW BOSCH EDC17C41/C50 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated BMW BOSCH EDC17C41/C50/C56 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated PSA Group SIEMENS SID803A DPF OFF with more variants - Updated PSA Group VISTEON DCU10x DPF OFF with more variants - Updated PSA Group BOSCH EDC16CP39 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Dacia CONTINENTAL SID310 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Dacia BOSCH EDC17C84 EGR OFF (Unplugged) with more variants - Updated FCA Group BOSCH EDC16C39 MAF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA Group BOSCH EDC17C49 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA Group BOSCH EDC17C69 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated FCA Group BOSCH EDC17CP52 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford VISTEON DCU10x DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Hyundai/Kia BOSCH EDC17C08 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Hyundai/Kia BOSCH EDC17CP14 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Iveco BOSCH EDC16C39 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Iveco BOSCH EDC17C49 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Iveco BOSCH EDC17C69 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Land Rover SIEMENS SID201/203 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Land Rover BOSCH EDC17CP11 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Land Rover BOSCH MEDC17.9 ADBLUE OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes BOSCH EDC17CP10 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Nissan BOSCH EDC17C84 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Nissan BOSCH EDC17C84 EGR OFF (Unplugged) with more variants - Updated Opel BOSCH EDC17C18/C19 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Porsche BOSCH EDC17CP14/CP44 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Renault BOSCH EDC16CP33 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault BOSCH EDC17C84 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Toyota BOSCH EDC17CP07 TRQ UNLOCK with more variants - Updated VAG Group DELPHI DCM 6.2V ADBLUE OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group BOSCH EDC17C46 ADBLUE OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group BOSCH EDC17C46/C54 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group BOSCH EDC17C64 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group BOSCH EDC17CP04/CP14/CP20 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group BOSCH EDC17CP44/CP54 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group BOSCH EDC17CP44/CP54 DPF OFF with more variants - Upgraded BMW BOSCH EDC17C06/CP02/CP09 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded BMW BOSCH EDC17C41/C50 SWIRL OFF with additional features - Upgraded PSA Group DELPHI DCM 3.4 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded PSA Group DELPHI DCM 6.2A ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded PSA Group DELPHI DCM 6.2A DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded PSA Group BOSCH EDC17C10 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded PSA Group BOSCH EDC17C60 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded PSA Group MARELLI MJ8DF2/F3 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded PSA Group SIEMENS SID803A EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded PSA Group CONTINENTAL SID807 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded PSA Group BOSCH EDC16CP39 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Dacia DELPHI DCM 3.4 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Dacia CONTINENTAL SID305/306 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Dacia CONTINENTAL SID310 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Dacia BOSCH EDC17C42 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Dacia BOSCH EDC17C84 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded BMW BOSCH EDC16C31/C35 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded PSA Group BOSCH EDC16C3/C34 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Ford BOSCH EDC16C3/C34 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Volvo BOSCH EDC16C34 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded FCA Group BOSCH EDC16C39 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded FCA Group BOSCH EDC17C69 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded FCA Group MARELLI MJ8DF2/F3 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded FCA Group MARELLI MJ9DF DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Ford BOSCH EDC17C70 TRQ UNLOCK with additional features - Upgraded Ford BOSCH EDC17C70 (1.5TDCI) DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Ford MARELLI MJ8DF3 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Ford SIEMENS SID803 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Ford CONTINENTAL SID807EVO DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Land Rover BOSCH EDC17CP42 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mercedes DELPHI CRD2-651 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mercedes BOSCH EDC16CP36 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mini BOSCH EDC17C41 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mini BOSCH EDC17C41/C50/C56 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mini BOSCH EDC17C50 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Nissan DELPHI DCM 3.4 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Nissan CONTINENTAL SID305/306 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Nissan CONTINENTAL SID305/306 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Nissan CONTINENTAL SID307 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Nissan CONTINENTAL SID310 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Nissan BOSCH EDC17C42 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Opel DELPHI DCM 3.7 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Opel BOSCH EDC16C9/C39 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Opel BOSCH EDC17C18/C19 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Opel BOSCH EDC17C42 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Porsche BOSCH EDC17CP14/CP44 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault DELPHI DCM 3.4 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault CONTINENTAL SID305/306 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault CONTINENTAL SID305/306 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault CONTINENTAL SID307 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault CONTINENTAL SID310 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault BOSCH EDC17C42 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault BOSCH EDC17C84 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Smart BOSCH ME7.7 KAT OFF with additional features - Upgraded Suzuki MARELLI MJ8DS3 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group DELPHI DCM 6.2V SWIRL OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC16U1/U31 MAF OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC17C46/C54 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC17C64 ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC17CP04/CP14/CP20 SWIRL OFF with additional features - Upgraded Volvo BOSCH EDC16C34 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Volvo BOSCH EDC16C34 GLOW PLUG OFF with additional features Release 1.8.5 Build 1505 (07.05.2021) - Updated software protection - Fixed file not recognized error when the solution list was clicked to give focus to the software - Fixed if you double click a file in the open dialog the solution in the list was changed - Added BMW BOSCH EDC16C31/C35/CP35 SWIRL OFF - Added BMW BOSCH EDC17C41/C50 SWIRL OFF - Added BMW BOSCH EDC17CP45/CP49 SWIRL OFF - Added Chevrolet DELPHI DCM 3.7 SWIRL OFF - Added FCA Group BOSCH EDC17C49 SWIRL OFF - Added FCA Group BOSCH EDC17C69 SWIRL OFF - Added Honda BOSCH EDC17CP06/CP16 SWIRL OFF - Added Hyundai/Kia BOSCH EDC17C08 SWIRL OFF - Added Iveco BOSCH EDC17C49 SWIRL OFF - Added Iveco BOSCH EDC17C69 SWIRL OFF - Added Jeep BOSCH EDC17C69 SWIRL OFF - Added Jeep BOSCH EDC17C79 SWIRL OFF - Added Land Rover BOSCH MEDC17.9 SWIRL OFF - Added Mercedes BOSCH EDC16C2/EDC16C31/C32/CP31 SWIRL OFF - Added Mercedes BOSCH EDC17C66 SWIRL OFF - Added Mercedes BOSCH EDC17CP10 SWIRL OFF - Added Mercedes BOSCH EDC17C43/CP46 SWIRL OFF - Added Mini BOSCH EDC17C41/C50 SWIRL OFF - Added Opel DELPHI DCM 3.7 SWIRL OFF - Added VAG Group DELPHI DCM 3.7 SWIRL OFF - Added VAG Group BOSCH EDC17C46/C54 SWIRL OFF - Updated BMW BOSCH EDC17C06/CP02/CP09/CP49/C50 TRQ UNLOCK with more variants - Updated BMW BOSCH EDC17C06/CP02/CP09 SWIRL OFF with more variants - Updated BMW BOSCH EDC17C41/C50/C56 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated PSA Group DELPHI DCM 3.5 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Dacia DELPHI DCM 3.4 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Dacia BOSCH EDC17C84 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated PSA Group BOSCH EDC16C3/C34 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA Group BOSCH EDC16C39 TVA OFF with more variants - Updated FCA Group BOSCH EDC16C39 MAF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA Group BOSCH EDC17 TRQ UNLOCK with more variants - Updated Ford SIEMENS SID202/206 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Hyundai/Kia BOSCH EDC16C39 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Jaguar SIEMENS SID204 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Land Rover SIEMENS SID204 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes DELPHI CRD3-651 TRQ UNLOCK with more variants - Updated Mercedes BOSCH EDC16C2/EDC16C31/C32/CP31 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mini BOSCH EDC17C41/C50/C56 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Nissan BOSCH EDC17C84 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Opel BOSCH EDC17C18/C19 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Porsche BOSCH EDC17CP14/CP44 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Porsche BOSCH EDC17CP14/CP44 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault DELPHI DCM 3.4 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Renault BOSCH EDC17C84 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Toyota BOSCH EDC17CP07 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group BOSCH EDC17C46/C54 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group BOSCH EDC17CP04/CP14/CP20 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group BOSCH EDC17CP04/CP14/CP20 SWIRL OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group BOSCH EDC17CP44/CP54 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group BOSCH EDC17CP44/CP54 DPF OFF with more variants - Upgraded PSA Group DELPHI DCM 6.2A ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded PSA Group BOSCH EDC16C3/C34 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Dacia BOSCH EDC17C84 ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded Dodge BOSCH EDC16U31 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded FCA Group BOSCH EDC16C39 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded FCA Group BOSCH EDC16C9 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded FCA Group MARELLI MJ9DF EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Ford DELPHI DCM 6.1 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Ford BOSCH EDC17C70 (1.5TDCI) DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Hyundai/Kia BOSCH EDC17C53 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Hyundai/Kia BOSCH EDC17C57 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mazda DENSO SH725X (2.2 Skyactiv-D) DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mercedes DELPHI CRD2-651 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mercedes BOSCH EDC15C6 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mitsubishi DENSO SH7058 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Nissan DELPHI DCM 3.4 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Nissan BOSCH EDC17C84 ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded Opel BOSCH EDC16C9/C39 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault DELPHI DCM 3.4 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault BOSCH EDC16CP33 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault BOSCH EDC17C84 ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC17C46/C54 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC17C64 ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC17C64 DPF OFF with additional features Release 1.8.4 Build 1500 (30.04.2021) - Updated software protection - Various minor updates - United Peugeot and Citroen brands into PSA Group - United Marelli 8F2 and 8F3 into a single 8DF solution - Updated Jeep BOSCH EDC17 TRQ UNLOCK with more variants - Updated Renault BOSCH EDC16C3 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Dacia BOSCH EDC17C42 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated FCA Group BOSCH ME17.3.0 KAT OFF with more variants - Updated Ford BOSCH EDC17C10 TRQ UNLOCK with more variants - Updated Hyundai/Kia BOSCH EDC17C08/CP14/C53/C57 TRQ UNLOCK with more variants - Updated Hyundai/Kia BOSCH EDC16C39 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Hyundai/Kia BOSCH EDC16C39 TVA OFF with more variants - Updated Hyundai/Kia BOSCH EDC16C39 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Hyundai/Kia BOSCH EDC17CP14 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Iveco BOSCH EDC16C39 TVA OFF with more variants - Updated Mazda DENSO SH725X (2.2 Skyactiv-D) DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes DELPHI CRD3-651 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes BOSCH EDC17CP10 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Nissan BOSCH EDC17C42 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Opel BOSCH EDC17C42 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group BOSCH EDC17CP04/CP14/CP20 DPF OFF with more variants - Upgraded BMW BOSCH EDC17C41/C50 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded BMW BOSCH EDC17CP45/CP49 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded BMW BOSCH EDC17CP45/CP49 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Dacia CONTINENTAL SID310 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Dacia BOSCH EDC17C84 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded BMW BOSCH EDC16C31/C35 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Ford BOSCH EDC16C3/C34 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Ford CONTINENTAL SID208 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded FCA Group DELPHI DCM 3.5 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded FCA Group BOSCH EDC17 TRQ UNLOCK with additional features - Upgraded FCA Group MARELLI MJ9DF EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded FCA Group SIEMENS SID803A EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Ford DELPHI DCM 6.1 TRQ UNLOCK with additional features - Upgraded Ford BOSCH EDC17C70 (1.5TDCI) DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Ford CONTINENTAL SID208 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Hyundai/Kia BOSCH EDC16C39 KAT OFF with additional features - Upgraded Hyundai/Kia BOSCH EDC16C39 SWIRL OFF with additional features - Upgraded Hyundai/Kia BOSCH EDC17C08 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Hyundai/Kia BOSCH EDC17C08 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Hyundai/Kia BOSCH EDC17C53 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Hyundai/Kia BOSCH EDC17C53 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Hyundai/Kia BOSCH EDC17C57 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Hyundai/Kia BOSCH EDC17C57 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Hyundai/Kia BOSCH EDC17CP14 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Jeep BOSCH EDC17 TRQ UNLOCK with additional features - Upgraded Land Rover SIEMENS SID204 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mercedes BOSCH EDC16C31/C32/CP31 EGR OFF (Unplugged) with additional features - Upgraded Mazda DENSO R2Ax EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mazda DENSO R2Ax DPF+ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mercedes DELPHI CRD2-651 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mercedes DELPHI CRD2-651 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mercedes DELPHI CRD3-651 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mercedes DELPHI CRD3-651 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mercedes DELPHI CRD3-651 TRQ UNLOCK with additional features - Upgraded Mercedes BOSCH EDC17CP46 ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mercedes CONTINENTAL SID310 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mini BOSCH EDC17C50 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Nissan BOSCH EDC16CP33 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Nissan CONTINENTAL SID310 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Nissan BOSCH EDC17C84 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded PSA Group DELPHI DCM 3.5 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded PSA Group DELPHI DCM 6.2A ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded PSA Group DELPHI DCM 6.2A TRQ UNLOCK with additional features - Upgraded PSA Group BOSCH EDC17C10 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault BOSCH EDC16C36 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault BOSCH EDC16C36 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault CONTINENTAL SID310 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault BOSCH EDC17C42 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault BOSCH EDC17C84 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Saab BOSCH EDC16C9/C39 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Smart BOSCH EDC16C32 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group DELPHI DCM 6.2V ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group DELPHI DCM 6.2V DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC17CP14 SWIRL OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC17C46/C54 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC17C64 ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC17C64 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC17C64 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC17CP04/CP14/CP20 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC17CP44/CP54 DPF OFF with additional features Release 1.8.3 Build 1482 (5.3.2021) - Updated software protection - Added FCA Group BOSCH EDC17CP52 DPF OFF - Added FCA Group BOSCH EDC17CP52 EGR OFF - Added FCA Group MARELLI MJ9DF EGR OFF - Added FCA Group MARELLI MJ9DF DPF OFF - Added FCA Group VISTEON DCU10x EGR OFF - Added Ford DELPHI DCM 6.1 EGR OFF - Added Ford DELPHI DCM 6.1 DPF OFF - Added Ford BOSCH EDC17C70 (1.5TDCI) EGR OFF - Added Ford BOSCH EDC17C70 TRQ UNLOCK - Added Ford VISTEON DCU10x DPF OFF - Added Ford BOSCH EDC16C3/C34 GLOW PLUG OFF - Added Land Rover SIEMENS SID201/203 DPF OFF - Added Land Rover SIEMENS SID204 DPF OFF - Added Mazda BOSCH EDC16C3/C34 GLOW PLUG OFF - Added Mercedes BOSCH EDC17CP01 EGR OFF - Added Mercedes BOSCH EDC17CP10 EGR OFF - Added Mercedes BOSCH EDC17CP46 EGR OFF - Added Nissan CONTINENTAL SID307 EGR OFF - Added Opel BOSCH EDC17C42 EGR OFF - Added Peugeot/Citroen DELPHI DCM 6.2A ADBLUE OFF - Added Peugeot/Citroen DELPHI DCM 6.2A EGR OFF - Added Peugeot/Citroen DELPHI DCM 6.2A DPF OFF - Added Peugeot/Citroen BOSCH EDC17C60 TRQ UNLOCK - Added Peugeot/Citroen VISTEON DCU10x DPF OFF - Added Peugeot/Citroen BOSCH EDC16C3/C34 GLOW PLUG OFF - Added Renault CONTINENTAL SID307 EGR OFF - Added Toyota BOSCH EDC17C73 EGR OFF - Added VAG Group BOSCH EDC17C46 ADBLUE OFF - Added Volvo CONTINENTAL SID807EVO EGR OFF - Added Volvo BOSCH EDC16C34 GLOW PLUG OFF - Updated BMW BOSCH EDC17C06/CP02/CP09 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated BMW BOSCH EDC17C41/C50/C56 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Citroen BOSCH EDC16C3/C34 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Citroen BOSCH EDC16CP39 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA Group BOSCH EDC16C39 SWIRL OFF with more variants - Updated FCA Group MARELLI MM8GMF KAT OFF with more variants - Updated Ford DELPHI DCM 6.1 TRQ UNLOCK with more variants - Updated Ford BOSCH EDC17C10 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Ford VISTEON DCU10x EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Hyundai BOSCH EDC16C39 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Hyundai BOSCH EDC17C08 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Jeep BOSCH EDC17C69 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Jeep BOSCH EDC17C69 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Jeep BOSCH EDC17 TRQ UNLOCK with more variants - Updated Mercedes DELPHI CRD2-651 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes BOSCH EDC16C31 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes BOSCH EDC16CP36 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes BOSCH EDC17CP46 ADBLUE OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes CONTINENTAL SID310 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes BOSCH EDC16C31/C32/CP31 EGR OFF (Unplugged) with more variants - Updated Mini BOSCH EDC17C41/C50/C56 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mini BOSCH EDC17C50 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Opel DELPHI DCM 3.7 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Opel DELPHI DCM 3.7 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot BOSCH EDC16C3/C34 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot BOSCH EDC16CP39 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault BOSCH EDC16C3 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Renault BOSCH EDC16C3 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault BOSCH EDC16C36 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Renault BOSCH EDC17C42 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Subaru DENSO SH7058/59 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group BOSCH EDC16U31/U34/CP34 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group BOSCH EDC17C64 ADBLUE OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group BOSCH EDC17CP04/CP14/CP20 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group BOSCH EDC17CP20 ADBLUE OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group SIEMENS Simos 3 KAT OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group BOSCH EDC15VM EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group BOSCH EDC16CP34 SWIRL OFF with more variants Release 1.8.1 Build 1438 (23.11.2020) - Updated software protection - Added VAG Group BOSCH EDC16U1/U31/U34 SWIRL OFF - Added VAG Group BOSCH EDC16U1/U31/U34 TVA OFF - Updated BMW BOSCH EDC17C41/C50 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated BMW BOSCH EDC17CP45/CP49 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Citroen SIEMENS SID803 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA Group BOSCH EDC17 TRQ UNLOCK with more variants - Updated FCA Group BOSCH EDC17C49 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Jeep BOSCH EDC17C69 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mitsubishi DENSO 4N13/14 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot SIEMENS SID803 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group BOSCH EDC17C64 ADBLUE OFF with more variants - Upgraded BMW BOSCH EDC17C06/CP02/CP09 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded BMW BOSCH EDC17C41/C50/C56 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Citroen BOSCH EDC17C60 ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded FCA Group BOSCH EDC16C39 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Ford BOSCH EDC17C70 (1.5TDCI) DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Honda BOSCH EDC16C31 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Hyundai BOSCH EDC16C39 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Hyundai BOSCH EDC17C08 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Kia BOSCH EDC17C08/CP14 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Land Rover BOSCH EDC17CP11 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mazda DENSO SH725X (2.2 Skyactiv-D) DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mercedes BOSCH EDC17C43 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mitsubishi DENSO SH7058 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Nissan CONTINENTAL SID310 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Peugeot BOSCH EDC17C60 ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault CONTINENTAL SID310 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault BOSCH EDC17C84 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC17C46/C54 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC17CP04/CP14/CP20 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC17CP04/CP14/CP20 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC17CP20/C46 ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC17CP44/CP54 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC16CP34 TVA OFF with additional features Release 1.8.0 Build 1437 (29.10.2020) - Updated software protection - Added FCA Group BOSCH EDC15C7 EGR OFF - Added Ford CONTINENTAL SID807EVO VMAX OFF - Added VAG Group DELPHI DCM 6.2V ADBLUE OFF - Added VAG Group BOSCH EDC17C64 ADBLUE OFF - Added VAG Group BOSCH EDC15P EGR OFF - Added VAG Group BOSCH EDC15VM EGR OFF - Added Volvo CONTINENTAL SID807EVO VMAX OFF - Added Volvo BOSCH EDC15C11 EGR OFF - Added Volvo BOSCH EDC16C31 EGR OFF - Duplicated Opel -> Suzuki MARELLI MJD6 DPF OFF - Duplicated Opel -> Suzuki MARELLI MJD6 EGR OFF - Updated BMW BOSCH EDC17C41/C50 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated BMW BOSCH EDC17C41/C50/C56 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated BMW BOSCH EDC17CP45/CP49 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated BMW BOSCH EDC17CP45/CP49 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Chevrolet DELPHI DCM 3.7 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated BMW BOSCH EDC16C31/C35 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated FCA Group BOSCH EDC17C49 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SIEMENS SID803A EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Jeep BOSCH EDC16C2/CP31/U31 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes DELPHI CRD3-651 TRQ UNLOCK with more variants - Updated Mercedes DELPHI CRD3-651 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes BOSCH EDC17CP46 ADBLUE OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes BOSCH EDC16C31/C32/CP31 EGR OFF (Unplugged) with more variants - Updated Mitsubishi DENSO 4N13/14 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot BOSCH EDC17C60 ADBLUE OFF with more variants - Updated Renault BOSCH EDC17C42 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group BOSCH EDC17CP04/CP14/CP20 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group BOSCH EDC17CP44/CP54 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group BOSCH EDC17CP44/CP54 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group SIEMENS PPD DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group BOSCH MED9.5.10 SPORT KAT with more variants - Updated Volvo SIEMENS SID803A EGR OFF with more variants - Upgraded BMW BOSCH EDC17C06/CP02/CP09/CP49/C50 TRQ UNLOCK with additional features - Upgraded BMW BOSCH EDC17C06/CP02 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded BMW BOSCH EDC17C06/CP02/CP09 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded BMW BOSCH EDC17CP02 SWIRL OFF with additional features - Upgraded BMW BOSCH EDC17CP09 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Chevrolet BOSCH EDC16C39 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Chevrolet BOSCH EDC16C39 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Chevrolet DELPHI DCM 3.7 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Chrysler BOSCH EDC16CP31 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Chrysler BOSCH EDC16CP31 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Citroen CONTINENTAL SID208 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Citroen CONTINENTAL SID208 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Citroen SIEMENS SID803 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Citroen SIEMENS SID803 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Citroen SIEMENS SID803A EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Citroen SIEMENS SID803A DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Citroen CONTINENTAL SID807 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Citroen CONTINENTAL SID807 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Citroen BOSCH EDC16C34 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Citroen BOSCH EDC16CP39 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Citroen BOSCH EDC16CP39 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Dacia CONTINENTAL SID305 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Dacia CONTINENTAL SID305 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Dacia CONTINENTAL SID306 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Dacia CONTINENTAL SID310 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Dacia CONTINENTAL SID310 ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded Dacia CONTINENTAL SID310 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Dacia BOSCH EDC17C42 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Dacia BOSCH EDC17C42 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Dacia BOSCH EDC17C84 ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded Dacia BOSCH EDC17C84 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Dacia BOSCH EDC17C84 EGR OFF (Unplugged) with additional features - Upgraded Dacia BOSCH EDC17C84 TRQ UNLOCK with additional features - Upgraded BMW BOSCH EDC16C31/C35 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Citroen BOSCH EDC16C34 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Ford BOSCH EDC16C34 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mazda BOSCH EDC16C34 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Peugeot BOSCH EDC16C34 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC16U31/U34 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Volvo BOSCH EDC16C34 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Dodge BOSCH EDC16U31 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Dodge BOSCH EDC16U31 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded FCA Group DELPHI DCM 3.5 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded FCA Group DELPHI DCM 3.5 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded FCA Group BOSCH EDC16C39 TVA OFF with additional features - Upgraded FCA Group BOSCH EDC16C39 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded FCA Group BOSCH EDC16C39 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded FCA Group BOSCH EDC16C39 SWIRL OFF with additional features - Upgraded FCA Group BOSCH EDC16C8 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded FCA Group BOSCH EDC16C9 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded FCA Group BOSCH EDC17C69 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded FCA Group BOSCH EDC17C69 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded FCA Group SIEMENS SID803A EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded FCA Group SIEMENS SID803A DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Ford DELPHI DCM 3.5 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Ford DELPHI DCM 3.5 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Ford CONTINENTAL SID208 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Ford CONTINENTAL SID208 VMAX OFF with additional features - Upgraded Ford CONTINENTAL SID208 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Ford SIEMENS SID803 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Ford SIEMENS SID803 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Ford SIEMENS SID803A DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Ford CONTINENTAL SID807EVO EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Ford CONTINENTAL SID807EVO DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Ford BOSCH EDC16C34 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Ford BOSCH EDC16C3 EGR OFF (Unplugged) with additional features - Upgraded Ford BOSCH EDC16CP39 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Ford BOSCH EDC16CP39 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Honda BOSCH EDC16C31 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Honda BOSCH EDC16C31 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Honda BOSCH EDC17CP06/16 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Honda BOSCH EDC17CP06/16 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Hyundai BOSCH EDC16C39 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Hyundai BOSCH EDC16C39 KAT OFF with additional features - Upgraded Hyundai BOSCH EDC16C39 SWIRL OFF with additional features - Upgraded Hyundai BOSCH EDC16C39 TVA OFF with additional features - Upgraded Hyundai BOSCH EDC16C39 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Hyundai BOSCH EDC17C08 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Hyundai BOSCH EDC17C08 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Hyundai BOSCH EDC17C53 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Hyundai BOSCH EDC17C53 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Hyundai BOSCH EDC17C08/CP14 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Iveco BOSCH EDC16C39 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Iveco BOSCH EDC16C39 TVA OFF with additional features - Upgraded Iveco BOSCH EDC16C39 VMAX OFF with additional features - Upgraded Iveco BOSCH EDC16C39 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Iveco BOSCH EDC16C8 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Iveco BOSCH EDC17C49 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Iveco BOSCH EDC17C49 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Iveco BOSCH EDC17C69 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Iveco BOSCH EDC17C69 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Jaguar SIEMENS SID204 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Jaguar SIEMENS SID204 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Jeep BOSCH EDC16CP31 SWIRL OFF with additional features - Upgraded Jeep BOSCH EDC16CP31 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Jeep BOSCH EDC16U31 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Jeep BOSCH EDC17C69 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Jeep BOSCH EDC17C69 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Kia BOSCH EDC16C39 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Kia BOSCH EDC16C39 KAT OFF with additional features - Upgraded Kia BOSCH EDC16C39 SWIRL OFF with additional features - Upgraded Kia BOSCH EDC16C39 TVA OFF with additional features - Upgraded Kia BOSCH EDC16C39 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Kia BOSCH EDC17C57 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Kia BOSCH EDC17C57 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Kia BOSCH EDC17C08/CP14 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Kia BOSCH EDC17C08/CP14/C53/C57 TRQ UNLOCK with additional features - Upgraded Land Rover SIEMENS SID201/203 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Land Rover SIEMENS SID204 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Land Rover BOSCH EDC16CP39 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Land Rover BOSCH EDC16CP39 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Land Rover BOSCH EDC17CP11 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Land Rover BOSCH EDC17CP11 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Land Rover BOSCH EDC17CP42 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Land Rover BOSCH EDC17CP42 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Land Rover BOSCH MEDC17.9 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Land Rover BOSCH MEDC17.9 ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded Land Rover BOSCH MEDC17.9 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mahindra BOSCH EDC17C53 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mahindra BOSCH EDC17C53 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mazda DENSO R2AX EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mazda DENSO R2AX DPF+ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mazda DENSO RF7x/RF8x EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mazda DENSO RF7x/RF8x DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mazda DENSO SH725X (2.2 Skyactiv-D) DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mazda BOSCH EDC16C34 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mazda BOSCH EDC16C3 EGR OFF (Unplugged) with additional features - Upgraded Mercedes DELPHI CRD2-651 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mercedes DELPHI CRD2-651 TRQ UNLOCK with additional features - Upgraded Mercedes DELPHI CRD2-651 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mercedes DELPHI CRD3-651 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mercedes BOSCH EDC17CP10 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mercedes BOSCH EDC17CP46 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mercedes CONTINENTAL SID310 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mercedes CONTINENTAL SID310 ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mercedes CONTINENTAL SID310 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mercedes BOSCH EDC17C43 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mercedes BOSCH EDC17C43 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mini BOSCH EDC17C41 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mini BOSCH EDC17C41 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mini BOSCH EDC17C50 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mini BOSCH EDC16C35 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Mini BOSCH EDC16C35 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Nissan BOSCH EDC16C36 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Nissan BOSCH EDC16C36 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Nissan CONTINENTAL SID301 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Nissan CONTINENTAL SID301 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Nissan CONTINENTAL SID305 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Nissan CONTINENTAL SID305 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Nissan CONTINENTAL SID307 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Nissan CONTINENTAL SID310 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Nissan CONTINENTAL SID310 ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded Nissan CONTINENTAL SID310 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Nissan DENSO SH7058 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Nissan DENSO SH7058 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Nissan BOSCH EDC17C42 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Nissan BOSCH EDC17C42 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Nissan BOSCH EDC17C84 ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded Nissan BOSCH EDC17C84 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Nissan BOSCH EDC17C84 EGR OFF (Unplugged) with additional features - Upgraded Opel BOSCH EDC15C7 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Opel BOSCH EDC16C36 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Opel BOSCH EDC16C36 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Opel BOSCH EDC16CP33 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Opel BOSCH PSG16 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Opel DENSO SH7058/59 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Opel DENSO SH7058/59 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Opel BOSCH EDC16C9/C39 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Opel BOSCH EDC16C9/C39 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Opel BOSCH EDC16C9 (1.7CDTI) EGR OFF (Unplugged) with additional features - Upgraded Opel BOSCH EDC16C9/C39 MAP LIN with additional features - Upgraded Opel BOSCH EDC16C9/C39 (1.9CDTI) VMAX OFF with additional features - Upgraded Opel BOSCH EDC17C18/C19 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Opel BOSCH EDC17C18/C19 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Opel BOSCH EDC17C59 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Opel BOSCH EDC17C59 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Peugeot CONTINENTAL SID208 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Peugeot CONTINENTAL SID208 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Peugeot SIEMENS SID803 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Peugeot SIEMENS SID803/803A MAP LIN with additional features - Upgraded Peugeot SIEMENS SID803 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Peugeot SIEMENS SID803A EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Peugeot SIEMENS SID803A DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Peugeot CONTINENTAL SID807 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Peugeot CONTINENTAL SID807 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Peugeot BOSCH EDC16C34 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Peugeot BOSCH EDC16CP39 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Peugeot BOSCH EDC16CP39 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Piaggio BOSCH EDC17C08 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Piaggio BOSCH EDC17C08 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault BOSCH EDC16C3 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault BOSCH EDC16C3 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault BOSCH EDC16C36 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault BOSCH EDC16C36 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault BOSCH EDC16CP33 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault BOSCH EDC16CP33 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault CONTINENTAL SID301 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault CONTINENTAL SID301 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault CONTINENTAL SID305 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault CONTINENTAL SID305 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault CONTINENTAL SID307 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault CONTINENTAL SID310 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault CONTINENTAL SID310 ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault CONTINENTAL SID310 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Renault BOSCH EDC17C42 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Saab BOSCH EDC16C9/C39 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Saab BOSCH EDC16C9/C39 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Smart BOSCH EDC15 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Smart BOSCH EDC16C32 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Smart BOSCH EDC16C32 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Subaru DENSO SH7058/59 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Subaru DENSO SH7058/59 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Suzuki BOSCH EDC16C3 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Suzuki BOSCH EDC16C3 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Toyota BOSCH EDC17CP07 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Toyota BOSCH EDC17CP07 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Toyota BOSCH EDC17CP07 TRQ UNLOCK with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC16U31/U34/CP34 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC16U31/U34 OBD PROT with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC16U1/U31 MAF OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC17C46/C54 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC17C46/C54 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC17C64 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC17C64 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC17CP04/CP14/CP20 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC17CP14 SWIRL OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC17CP20/C46 ADBLUE OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC17U01/U05 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC17U01/U05 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group SIEMENS PPD EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC16CP34 SWIRL OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC16CP34 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC16CP34 KAT OFF with additional features - Upgraded VAG Group BOSCH EDC16CP34 TVA OFF with additional features - Upgraded Volvo SIEMENS SID803 EGR OFF with additional features - Upgraded Volvo SIEMENS SID803 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Volvo SIEMENS SID803A DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Volvo CONTINENTAL SID807EVO DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Volvo BOSCH EDC16C31 DPF OFF with additional features - Upgraded Volvo BOSCH EDC16C34 EGR OFF with additional features Release 1.7.1 Build 1435 (24.08.2020) - Updated software protection BMW BOSCH EDC17 EGR OFF has been split into - BOSCH EDC17C06/CP02/CP09 EGR OFF - BOSCH EDC17C41/C50/C56 EGR OFF with more variants - BOSCH EDC17CP45/CP49 EGR OFF VAG BOSCH EDC17 EGR OFF has been split into - Updated VAG BOSCH EDC17U01/U05 EGR OFF - Updated VAG BOSCH EDC17CP04/CP14/CP20 EGR OFF - Updated VAG BOSCH EDC17C46/C54 EGR OFF - Updated VAG BOSCH EDC17CP44/CP54 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated FCA BOSCH EDC17 TRQ UNLOCK with more variants - Updated FCA BOSCH EDC17C49 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA BOSCH EDC17C69 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Iveco BOSCH EDC17C49 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Jeep BOSCH EDC17 TRQ UNLOCK with more variants - Updated Jeep BOSCH EDC17C69 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Land Rover BOSCH MEDC17.9 ADBLUE OFF with more variants - Updated Land Rover BOSCH MEDC17.9 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Land Rover BOSCH MEDC17.9 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes BOSCH EDC17CP10 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mini BOSCH EDC17C41 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen BOSCH EDC17C10 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen BOSCH EDC17C10 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen BOSCH EDC17C60 ADBLUE OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen BOSCH EDC17C60 EGR OFF with more variants Release 1.7.0 Build 1433 (01.08.2020) - Updated software protection - Updated engine functionality - Added the solution description in the listing - Updated the messages on various solutions with more specific information - Updated various solutions to include all pertinent faults removal (you can disable faults removal with the "Process Faults" checkbox) - Added EDC17 ecu model identification (no auto-selection just the information is provided) - Added EDC17 checksum validation of the data areas - Added facilities to report problematic files for verification and signaling of feature requests - Added BMW CONTINENTAL MSD80/81/85/87 KAT OFF - Added BMW SIEMENS MS41 KAT OFF - Added BMW SIEMENS MS42 KAT OFF - Added BMW SIEMENS MS43 KAT OFF - Added BMW SIEMENS MS45 KAT OFF - Added Dacia/Renault/Nissan BOSCH EDC17C84 ADBLUE OFF - Added Dacia/Renault/Nissan BOSCH EDC17C84 DPF OFF - Added Dacia/Renault/Nissan BOSCH EDC17C84 EGR OFF (Unplugged) - Added Dacia/Renault/Nissan BOSCH EDC17C84 TRQ UNLOCK - Added Renault/Nissan CONTINENTAL SID305/6 INJ CODES - Added Dacia/Renault/Nissan CONTINENTAL SID310 ADBLUE OFF - Added Dacia/Renault/Nissan CONTINENTAL SID310 DPF OFF - Added Dacia/Renault/Nissan CONTINENTAL SID310 EGR OFF - Added Dacia/Renault/Nissan DELPHI DCM 3.4 EGR OFF - Added Iveco BOSCH EDC16C39 TVA OFF - Added Mercedes CONTINENTAL SID310 ADBLUE OFF - Added Mercedes CONTINENTAL SID310 DPF OFF - Added Mercedes CONTINENTAL SID310 EGR OFF - Added VAG Group SIEMENS Simos 10 KAT OFF - Added VAG Group SIEMENS Simos 3 KAT OFF - Added VAG Group SIEMENS Simos 7 KAT OFF - Added VAG Group SIEMENS Simos 8 KAT OFF - Added VAG Group SIEMENS Simos 9 KAT OFF BMW BOSCH EDC17C06/CP02/CP09/CP45/CP49/C41/C50/C56 DPF OFF has been split into - BOSCH EDC17C06/CP02 DPF OFF - BOSCH EDC17CP09 DPF OFF - BOSCH EDC17C41/C50 DPF OFF - BOSCH EDC17CP45/CP49 DPF OFF VAG Group BOSCH EDC17U1/CP04/CP14/CP20/CP44/C46/C54 DPF OFF has been split into - BOSCH EDC17U1 DPF OFF - BOSCH EDC17CP04/CP14/CP20 DPF OFF - BOSCH EDC17C46/C54 DPF OFF - BOSCH EDC17C64 DPF OFF - BOSCH EDC17CP44/CP54 DPF OFF Peugeot/Citroen BOSCH EDC17C60 DPF OFF + ADBLUE OFF has been split into - BOSCH EDC17C60 ADBLUE OFF - BOSCH EDC17C60 DPF OFF Mercedes BOSCH EDC17CP46 DPF OFF + ADBLUE OFF has been split into - BOSCH EDC17CP46 ADBLUE OFF - BOSCH EDC17CP46 DPF OFF - Updated Mercedes EDC16 EGR OFF (Unplugged) with more variants - Updated Mercedes BOSCH EDC16CP36 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes BOSCH EDC17C43 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes BOSCH EDC17C43 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes BOSCH EDC17CP01 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes BOSCH EDC17CP10 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes DELPHI CRD3-651 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes DELPHI CRD3-651 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes DELPHI CRD3-651 TRQ UNLOCK with more variants - Updated Mini BOSCH EDC17C41 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mini BOSCH EDC17C50 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mitsubishi DENSO 4N13/14 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mitsubishi DENSO SH7058 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Nissan BOSCH EDC16C36 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Nissan BOSCH EDC16C36 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Nissan BOSCH EDC16C41 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Nissan BOSCH EDC16CP33 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Nissan BOSCH EDC16CP33 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Nissan BOSCH EDC17C42 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Nissan BOSCH EDC17C42 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Nissan CONTINENTAL SID301 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Nissan CONTINENTAL SID301 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Nissan CONTINENTAL SID307 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Nissan DENSO SH7058 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Opel BOSCH EDC16C9/C39 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Opel BOSCH EDC16C9/C39 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Opel BOSCH EDC16CP33 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Opel BOSCH EDC17C18/C19 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Opel BOSCH EDC17C42 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Opel BOSCH EDC17C59 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Opel DELCO E87 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Opel DELCO E87 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Opel DELPHI DCM 3.7 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Opel DELPHI DCM 3.7 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Opel DENSO SH7058/59 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Opel DENSO SH7058/59 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot BOSCH EDC16CP39 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot BOSCH EDC17C10 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot BOSCH EDC17C10 TRQ UNLOCK with more variants - Updated Peugeot BOSCH EDC17CP52 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot BOSCH EDC17CP52 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot DELPHI DCM 6.2A TRQ UNLOCK with more variants - Updated Peugeot SIEMENS SID208 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot SIEMENS SID208 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot SIEMENS SID807 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot SIEMENS SID807 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot VISTEON DCU10x EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Piaggio BOSCH EDC17C08 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Piaggio BOSCH EDC17C08 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Porsche BOSCH EDC17CP14/CP44 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Porsche BOSCH EDC17CP14/CP44 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Renault BOSCH EDC16C36 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault BOSCH EDC16C36 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Renault BOSCH EDC16CP33 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault BOSCH EDC16CP33 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Renault BOSCH EDC17C42 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault BOSCH EDC17C42 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Renault CONTINENTAL SID301 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault CONTINENTAL SID301 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Renault CONTINENTAL SID307 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Saab BOSCH EDC16C9/C39 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Saab BOSCH EDC16C9/C39 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Toyota BOSCH EDC17C73 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Toyota BOSCH EDC17CP07 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Toyota BOSCH EDC17CP07 TRQ UNLOCK with more variants - Updated VAG Group BOSCH EDC17C64 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group BOSCH EDC17CP20/C46 ADBLUE OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group DELPHI DCM 3.7 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group DELPHI DCM 3.7 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group DELPHI DCM 6.2V DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group DELPHI DCM 6.2V EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Volvo BOSCH EDC16C31 DPF OFF with more variants Release 1.6.3 Build 1414 (30.03.2020) - Added Chrysler EDC16CP31 EGR OFF - Added FCA Group ME17.3.0 KAT OFF - Added FCA Group IAW5SF HW205/227/300 EGR OFF - Added FCA Group IAW5SF HW205/227/300 KAT OFF - Added Iveco IAW5SF HW410/470 EGR OFF - Added Iveco IAW5SF HW410/470 KAT OFF - Added Opel M1.5.5 KAT OFF - Added Opel ME7.6.2 KAT OFF - Added Peugeot/Citroen SID807 EGR OFF - Added Peugeot/Citroen ME7.9.5x KAT OFF - Added Toyota ME7.9.5x KAT OFF - Updated BMW EDC17 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated FCA Group MJD6F3 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA Group MJ8DF2 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA Group MJ8DF2 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated FCA Group MJ8DF3 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA Group EDC17 TORQUE MONITORING with more variants - Updated Ford SID202/206 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID803 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Hyundai EDC17CP14 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Jeep EDC17C69 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Jeep EDC17 TORQUE MONITORING with more variants - Updated Land Rover EDC17CP42 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Land Rover MEDC17.9 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Land Rover MEDC17.9 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Land Rover MEDC17.9 ADBLUE OFF with more variants - Updated Land Rover SID204 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mazda SH725x DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mazda SH725x EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes CRD3-651 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes CRD3-651 TORQUE MONITORING with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16 EGR OFF (Unplugged) with more variants - Updated Opel SH7058/59 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Opel SH7058/59 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Renault EDC16C36 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group DCM3.7 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group DCM6.2V DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group DCM6.2V EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group EDC17 ADBLUE OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group EDC17 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG Group PPD1.x DPF OFF with more variants Release 1.6.2 Build 1411 (15.02.2020) - Updated BMW EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated BMW EDC17 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC17C69 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC17C69 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC17 TORQUE MONITORING with more variants - Updated Ford EDC17C10 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford EDC17C10 TORQUE MONITORING with more variants - Updated Ford SID208 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Jeep EDC17C69 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Land Rover EDC17CP11 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Land Rover MEDC17.9 ADBLUE OFF with more variants - Updated Land Rover MEDC17.9 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Land Rover MEDC17.9 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes CRD2-651 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C31 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16 EGR OFF (Unplugged) with more variants - Updated Opel Denso DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Opel EDC17C42 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen EDC17C60 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault EDC16C3 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Renault/Nissan SID301 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG DCM6.2V DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17CP20/C46 ADBLUE OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17C64 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG MED17.5.20/21 KAT OFF with more variants Release 1.6.1 Build 1410 (21.12.2019) - Updated Ford EDC16C34 process faults checkbox functionality - Updated Ford EDC17C70 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Iveco EDC16C39 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Iveco EDC17CP52 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Jaguar SID204 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Jaguar SID204 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Jeep EDC17CP27 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Jeep EDC17CP27 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Land Rover EDC17CP42 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mazda/Volvo EDC16C34 instructions message - Updated Mazda/Volvo EDC16C34 process faults checkbox functionality - Updated Mercedes EDC16C31 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16CP36 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC17C43 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault/Nissan SID307 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Nissan Denso DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Opel EDC16C39 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Opel PSG16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Opel Denso DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen EDC16C34 process faults checkbox functionality - Updated Peugeot/Citroen EDC17C60 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen SID807 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Smart EDC16C32 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16CP34 TVA OFF with more variants - Updated VAG DCM6.2V DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Volvo EDC16C31 instructions message Release 1.6.0 Build 1409 (06.12.2019) - Updated software protection - Updated engine functionality - Added Dacia EDC17C42 EGR OFF - Added Dacia EDC17C42 DPF OFF - Added FCA Group IAW5SF HW401/403/413 EGR OFF - Added FCA Group IAW5SF HW401/403/413 KAT OFF - Added Ford IAW5SF HW401/403/413 EGR OFF - Added Ford IAW5SF HW401/403/413 KAT OFF - Added Land Rover EDC17CP11 EGR OFF - Added Land Rover EDC17CP11 DPF OFF - Added Land Rover MEDC17.9 ADBLUE OFF - Added Land Rover MEDC17.9 DPF OFF - Added Land Rover MEDC17.9 EGR OFF - Added Nissan SID307 DPF OFF - Added Opel EDC15C7 EGR OFF - Added Peugeot/Citroen EDC15C2 EGR OFF - Added VAG MED17.5.20/21 KAT OFF - Added VAG MED17.5.20/21 SPORT KAT - Updated BMW EDC17 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Chevrolet EDC16C39 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated FCA Group EDC16C39 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA Group EDC17C69 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA Group EDC17 torque monitoring with more variants - Updated FCA Group DCM3.5 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Ford EDC17C70 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID202/206 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID208 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID807EVO DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Iveco EDC17C49 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Iveco EDC17C69 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Iveco EDC17CP52 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Jaguar SID204 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Jeep EDC17 torque monitoring with more variants - Updated Kia EDC17C08/CP14 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Land Rover EDC17CP42 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C2 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C31 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C32 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C32 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C31/C32/CP31 EGR OFF (Unplugged) with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC17CP46 DPF + ADBLUE OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes CRD3-651 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes CRD3-651 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes CRD3-651 torque monitoring with more variants - Updated Mitsubishi SH7058 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mitsubishi 4N13/14 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Nissan SH7058 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Opel EDC17C18 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Opel EDC17C18 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Opel MJ6D DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Opel DCM3.7 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Opel SH7058/59 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Porsche EDC17CP14/CP44 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Porsche EDC17CP14/CP44 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault EDC15C3 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Renault EDC16C36 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Renault/Nissan EDC16CP33 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault EDC17C42 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Renault EDC17C42 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault DCM3.4 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen EDC16C34 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen EDC17C10 torque monitoring with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen EDC17C60 DPF + ADBLUE OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen DCU102 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Subaru SH7058/59 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Toyota EDC17CP07 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Toyota EDC17C73 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Toyota DENSO EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Toyota DENSO DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16CP34 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16CP34 TVA OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17CP14 SWIRL OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17C64 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17CP20/C46 ADBLUE OFF with more variants - Updated VAG PPD DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Volvo EDC16C34 DPF OFF with more variants Release 1.5.5 Build 1398 (05.08.2019) - Updated software protection - Added Ford/Mazda EDC16C3 EGR OFF (Unplugged) - Added Ford DCM6.1 torque monitoring - Added Mercedes EDC16C31/C32/CP31 EGR OFF (Unplugged) - Added Opel 1.7CDTI EDC16C9 EGR OFF (Unplugged) - Added Peugeot/Citroen DCM6.2A torque monitoring - Updated BMW EDC17 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Chevrolet EDC16C39 DPF OFF with more variants - Update FCA Group DCM3.5 EGR OFF with more variants - Update FCA Group EDC16C39 SWIRL OFF with more variants - Updated FCA Group EDC17C49 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated FCA Group EDC17C49 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA Group EDC17C69 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA Group EDC17 torque monitoring with more variants - Updated Ford EDC17C10 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID202/206 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID208 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Hyundai/Kia EDC16C39 TVA OFF with more variants - Updated Hyundai/Kia EDC17C08 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Hyundai/Kia EDC17 torque monitoring with more variants - Updated Iveco EDC17CP52 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Jaguar SID204 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Jeep EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Jeep EDC17C69 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Land Rover SID203 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mazda Denso EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mazda Denso SH1/12/13/14 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C2 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C31 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC17CP46 DPF OFF + ADBLUE OFF with more variants - Updated Mini EDC17C41 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mini EDC17C41 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen DCM3.4 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen EDC17C60 DPF + ADBLUE OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen SID807 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault EDC16C3 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Renault/Nissan EDC16CP33 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Subaru Denso DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Suzuki EDC16C3 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Toyota EDC17CP07 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG DCM3.7 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG DCM6.2V EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG DCM6.2V DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG PCR2.1 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG PCR2.1 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16CP34 TVA OFF with more variants - Updated VAG MED9.1 SPORT KAT with more variants - Updated VAG MED9.5.10 SPORT KAT with more variants - Updated VAG IAW4MV EGR OFF with more variants Release 1.5.0 Build 1379 (19.04.2019) - Updated software protection - Various minor bug fixes - Ported and restyled "The Memory Remains" skin from DTC Remover as the new default - Added support for windows notifications (only Win8 & Win10) - Added functionality to keep all faults unmodified when processing the solution - Added sharing files between DPF Remover & DTC Remover applications - Now allows executing multiple solutions on the same file without the requirement to save - Added Mercedes Delphi DCM3.2 DPF OFF - Added Mercedes EDC16CP36 DPF OFF - Added Renault EDC17C42 EGR OFF - Updated BMW EDC16 MAP LIN with more variants - Updated BMW EDC17 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen DCM3.4 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen EDC17C60 DPF + ADBLUE OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen SID807 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen EDC16CP39 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA TRQ UNLOCK with more variants - Updated Ford EDC17C10 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID208 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID807EVO EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID807EVO DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Honda EDC16C31 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated hyundai/Kia EDC17C08 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Jeep EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Jeep EDC16CP31 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Jeep EDC17 TRQ UNLOCK with more variants - Updated LandRover EDC17CP42 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mazda Denso SH1/12/13/14 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes Delphi CRD3-651 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C31/C32 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16CP36 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC17CP46 DPF + ADBLUE OFF with more variants - Updated Mitsubishi Denso SH7058 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mitsubishi Denso 4N13/14 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Piaggio EDC17C08 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Toyota EDC17CP07 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Toyota EDC17CP07 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17CP20/C46 ADBLUE OFF with more variants - Updated VAG PCR2.1 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16CP34 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG MED9.5 KAT OFF with more variants Release 1.4.21 Build 1313 (28.02.2019) - Updated the user interface - Updated Ford SID208 VMAX OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID807EVO EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Hyundai/Kia EDC17C57 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mitsubishi Denso EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen EDC17C60 DPF + ADBLUE OFF with more variants - Updated VAG DCM6.2V DPF OFF with more variants Release 1.4.20 Build 1302 (18.02.2019) - Updated software protection - Linear extrapolation chart is now resizable - Added BMW EDC15C2/C4 EGR OFF - Added Ford SID208 VMAX OFF - Added Ford EDC17C70 DPF OFF [Beta] - Added Hyundai/Kia EDC17C57 EGR OFF - Added Hyundai/Kia EDC17C57 DPF OFF - Added Peugeot/Citroen MJ8DF2/3 EGR OFF - Added Peugeot/Citroen MJ8DF2/3 DPF OFF - Added Subaru SH7058/59 EGR OFF - Updated BMW EDC15M EGR OFF with more variants - Updated BMW EDC17 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated BMW EDC17 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Chrysler EDC16CP31 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA Group DCM3.5 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated FCA Group EDC17C49 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated FCA Group EDC17C69 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated FCA Group EDC17 torque monitoring with more variants - Updated Ford EDC17C10 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Honda EDC16C31 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Hyundai/Kia EDC17C08 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Hyundai/Kia EDC17 torque monitoring with more variants - Updated Jaguar SID204 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Jeep EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Jeep EDC17 torque monitoring with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C2 SWIRL OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC17CP46 DPF OFF + ADBLUE OFF with more variants - Updated Nissan EDC16CP33 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Opel E87 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen DCM3.5 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen DCM3.5 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen EDC17C10 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Smart EDC16C32 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Toyota DENSO (2.0L/2.2L) EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Toyota DENSO (2.0L/2.2L) DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG PCR2.1 EGR OFF with more variants Release 1.4.16 Build 1287 (17.12.2018) - Updated software protection - Added Ford SID807EVO EGR OFF - Added Mercedes DCM3.2 EGR OFF - Added Nissan Denso EGR OFF - Added Nissan Denso DPF OFF - Updated BMW EDC16 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford DCM3.5 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Ford Visteon EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Land Rover Visteon EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16CP31 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC17CP46 DPF OFF + ADBLUE OFF with more variants - Updated Mini EDC17C41 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mitsubishi Denso EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Nissan EDC16CP33 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Nissan SID301 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Nissan SID305 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Opel PSG16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen EDC17C60 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot EDC17C60 DPF + ADBLUE OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot SID208 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot DCU-102 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Renault/Dacia SID305 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Toyota Denso EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Toyota Denso DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG DCM6.2V DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC15P MAP LIN with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16CP34 DPF OFF with more variants Release 1.4.15 Build 1277 (28.10.2018) - Updated internal core - Added BMW EDC15M EGR OFF - Added Chrysler EDC16CP31 DPF OFF - Added FCA Group EDC17CP27 EGR OFF - Added FCA Group EDC17CP27 DPF OFF - Added Jeep EDC16CP31 DPF OFF - Added Jeep EDC17CP27 EGR OFF - Added Jeep EDC17CP27 DPF OFF - Added Mercedes CRD2-651 DPF OFF - Added Renault/Nissan SID301 EGR OFF - Added Piaggio EDC17C08 EGR OFF - Added Piaggio EDC17C08 DPF OFF - Added Peugeot/Citroen EDC17C60 EGR OFF - Added Peugeot/Citroen EDC17C60 DPF + ADBLUE OFF - Removed Mercedes DCM3.5 DPF OFF - Updated BMW EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated BMW EDC17 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated BMW DPF OFF with more variants - Updated BMW TRQ UNLOCK with more variants - Updated Chevrolet DCM3.7 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA Group EDC17C49 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Ford EDC17C10 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford Visteon EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Honda EDC17CP06/16 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Hyundai/Kia EDC17 torque monitoring with more variants - Updated Jeep EDC17 torque monitoring with more variants - Updated Land Rover EDC17CP42 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C2 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C31 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC17CP46 DPF OFF + ADBLUE OFF with more variants - Updated Mini EDC17C41 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mini EDC17C41 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mini EDC17C50 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mini EDC17 torque monitoring with more variants - Updated Opel EDC16CP33 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen EDC16C34 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen EDC17C10 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault EDC16C3 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Renault/Nissan EDC16CP33 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Subaru Denso DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Suzuki EDC16C3 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Toyota EDC17CP07 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG DCM3.7 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG DCM6.2V EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG DCM6.2V DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16U MAF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG PCR2.1 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16CP34 TVA OFF with more variants - Updated VAG MED9.5 EGR OFF with more variants Release 1.4.14 Build 1265 (01.09.2018) - Updated software protection - Fixed drag & drop - Added Ford Visteon EGR OFF - Added Mitsubishi Denso SH7058 EGR OFF - Added Toyota EDC17CP07 EGR OFF - Added Toyota EDC17CP07 Torque monitoring - Moved VAG EDC17C64 EGR OFF into a new solution - Updated BMW EDC17 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Chevrolet DCM3.7 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC16C39 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC17 Torque monitoring with more variants - Updated FCA Marelli MJ8D DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA DCM3.5 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Ford EDC16C34 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford EDC17C10 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford/Volvo SID807EVO DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford DCM3.5 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Hyundai EDC16C39 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Iveco EDC17CP52 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Iveco EDC17CP52 VMAX with more variants - Updated Jeep EDC17 torque monitoring with more variants - Updated Jeep EDC17C69 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated KIA EDC16C39 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Land Rover Visteon EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mahindra EDC17C53 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mazda SH1/12/13/14 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C2 SWIRL OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C31 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC17CP10 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC17CP46 DPF+ADBLUE OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes CRD2-651 Torque monitoring with more variants - Updated Mercedes CRD3-651 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes CRD3-651 Torque monitoring with more variants - Updated Mitsubishi Denso 4N13/14 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Opel PSG16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Opel EDC17C59 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Opel Marelli MJ6D DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Opel Denso EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Opel Denso DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen EDC16C34 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen SID807 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen Visteon EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen DCM3.5 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Renault/Suzuki EDC16C3 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Toyota EDC17CP07 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Toyota Denso EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16CP34 TVA OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17C64 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17CP14 SWIRL OFF with more variants - Updated VAG PPD DPF OFF with more variants Release 1.4.13 Build 1264 (04.06.2018) - Updated software protection - Fixed plot button opening the wrong tab - Added Honda EDC17CP16 EGR OFF - Added Honda EDC17CP16 DPF OFF - Added Nissan EDC16C41 EGR OFF - Added Opel Delco E87 EGR OFF - Added Peugeot/Citroen EDC17CP52 DPF OFF - Added Peugeot/Citroen EDC17CP52 EGR OFF - Added Peugeot/Citroen EDC17CP52 VMAX OFF - Added Smart EDC15 EGR OFF - Added Smart ME7.7 KAT OFF - Moved VAG EDC17C64 DPF OFF into a new solution - Updated BMW EDC16 MAP LIN with more variants - Updated BMW EDC17 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Chevrolet DCM3.7 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Dodge EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC16C39 MAF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC17CP52 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC17CP52 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Ford EDC17C10 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID202/206 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID208 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Jeep EDC16CP31 SWIRL OFF with more variants - Updated Land Rover SID204 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mazda R2AX EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C2 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes CRD3-651 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes CRD3-651 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mitsubishi Denso 4N13/14 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Opel EDC16C39 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Opel EDC16C39 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Opel EDC16CP33 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Opel EDC17C18 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Opel EDC17C59 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Opel Delco E87 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Opel DCM3.7 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen EDC16CP39 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen SID208 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault/Nissan EDC16CP33 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Subaru Denso DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG DCM3.7 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG PPD DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC15P MAP LIN with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16U DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17CP14 SWIRL OFF with more variants Release 1.4.12 Build 1251 (07.03.2018) - Updated software protection - Added drag & drop support (drop the file in the command panel after selecting the ecu model) - Added selection of the last used panel after a software restart - Added a linear extrapolation tool to the automotive calculator window - Updated DPF & ADBLUE texts in the message panel - Updated EGR texts to show more information about the type of solution and included faults - Unified Mercedes EDC17CP43 DPF+ADBLUE solutions into a single solution - Added Peugeot/Citroen DCM3.4 EGR OFF - Added Chevrolet DCM3.4 EGR OFF - Added Chevrolet DCM3.7 EGR OFF - Added Iveco EDC16C39 EGR OFF - Added Mahindra EDC17C53 EGR OFF - Updated BMW EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated BMW EDC17 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Chevrolet DCM3.7 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC16C39 TVA OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC16C39 SWIRL OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC17 torque monitoring with more variants - Updated FCA EDC17C49 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC17CP52 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford/Mazda EDC16C34 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Ford EDC17C10 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID202/206 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Hyundai/KIA EDC17CP14 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Land Rover SID204 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mahindra EDC17C53 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mazda RF7x/RF8x EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mazda R2AX EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mazda SH1/12/13/14 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes CRD2-651 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes CRD3-651 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C2 SWIRL OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C31 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C32 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mini EDC16C35 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Opel EDC16CP33 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Opel/SAAB EDC16C39 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Opel EDC17C59 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Opel SH7058/59 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Opel SH7058/59 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen SID208 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen EDC17C10 torque monitoring with more variants - Updated Renault/Suzuki EDC16C3 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault/Nissan EDC16CP33 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Renault/Nissan/Dacia SID305 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault/Dacia SID306 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Smart EDC16C32 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Smart EDC16C32 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Toyota Denso EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Toyota Denso DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17CP14 SWIRL OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17CP20/C46 ADBLUE OFF with more variants - Updated VAG SIMOS PCR2.1 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Volvo EDC16C34 DPF OFF with more variants Release 1.4.11 Build 1171 (09.01.2018) - Updated the Free version for distribution - Moved configuration files to the application data folder - Updated untranslated text in the settings window - Added VE correction over the rpm range to potential air capacity plotting - Added selection to convert the plot output from cfm to hp and kw Release 1.4.11 (09.12.2017) - Added potential air capacity plotting (importing & plotting csv files will be added next) - Corrected new manufaturer panel selection bug - Updated Ford EDC17C10 Torque monitoring with more variants - Updated Hyundai EDC16C39 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mitsubishi Denso 4N13/14 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Opel EDC16C39 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Toyota DENSO DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17CP14 SWIRL OFF with more variants - Updated VAG PCR2.1 DPF OFF with more variants Release 1.4.10 (05.12.2017) - Updated software protection - Updated VPN protection to allow only outgoing client connections for TV - Added a new panel for manufacturer selection - Added air flow estimation and automotive units conversions calculator - The progress indicator window is no longer on top during processing - Added new settings to change GUI behaviour and theme - Added sound when processing is finished - Added Mini EDC17C41/C50/CP45 Torque monitoring - Added Peugeot/Citroen SID807 DPF OFF - Added Renault SID307 DPF OFF - Added Suzuki MJ8DS3 EGR OFF - Added Suzuki MJ8DS3 DPF OFF - Updated BMW EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated BMW EDC16 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated BMW EDC17 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated BMW EDC17 Torque monitoring with more variants - Updated Chevrolet EDC16C39 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Chevrolet EDC16C39 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA Group EDC17 Torque monitoring with more variants - Updated Ford/Mazda/Volvo EDC16C34 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford EDC17C10 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Ford EDC17C10 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID202/206 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Hyundai/Kia EDC16C39 SWIRL OFF with more variants - Updated Hyundai/Kia EDC16C39 TVA OFF with more variants - Updated Hyundai/Kia EDC16C39 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Hyundai/Kia EDC17 Torque monitoring with more variants - Updated Iveco EDC17C49 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Iveco EDC17CP52 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Jeep EDC17 Torque monitoring with more variants - Updated Land Rover SID204 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes CRD3-651 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes CRD3-651 Torque monitoring with more variants - Updated Opel DCM3.7 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Opel EDC16C39 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen EDC17C10 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen SID208 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen SID208 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen SID803/A EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen DCM3.5 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Renault EDC16C36 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Renault EDC16C36 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault/Nissan EDC16CP33 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault/Nissan EDC17C42 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Toyota EDC17C73 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16U EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG PCR2.1 EGR OFF with more variants Release 1.4.9 (09.10.2017) - Added Ford/Volvo SID807EVO DPF OFF - Updated BMW EDC17 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated BMW EDC17 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Chevrolet EDC16C39 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen SID208 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen EDC17C10 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen SID803A EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen EDC16C34 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen EDC16C34 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated FCA Group EDC17 Torque monitoring with more variants - Updated FCA Group EDC17C49 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated FCA Group SID803A EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Ford/Mazda/Volvo EDC16C34 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Land Rover Visteon EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes CRD3-651 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes CRD3-651 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Renault/Nissan/Opel EDC16C36 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Renault/Nissan EDC16CP33 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault/Nissan EDC16CP33 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Nissan EDC17C42 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Porsche EDC17CP14/CP44 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17CP14 SWIRL OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17CP20/C46 ADBLUE OFF with more variants - Updated VAG PCR2.1 EGR OFF with more variants Release 1.4.8 (04.09.2017) - Updated internal core - Added window to alert in cases where a different operation must be followed - Added a setting to choose between using the same or different folders for open and save dialogs - Updated BMW EDC17 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated BMW EDC17 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Dacia/Renault/Nissan SID305 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen SID803/A MAP LIN with more variants - Updated BMW EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated FCA Group EDC17 Torque monitoring with more variants - Updated FCA Group EDC17C49 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID208 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford/Volvo/Mazda EDC16C34 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Honda EDC16C31 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Iveco EDC16C39 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mazda SH1/12/13/14 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16CP31 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Renault/Nissan/Opel EDC16C36 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Renault/Nissan/Opel EDC16CP33 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Subaru Denso DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Suzuki EDC16C3 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16U OBD Read Protection with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16CP34 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16CP34 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16CP34 KAT OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16CP34 TVA OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16CP34 SWIRL OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17CP14 SWIRL OFF with more variants - Updated VAG PCR2.1 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC15P MAP LIN with more variants Release 1.4.7 (31.07.2017) - Updated BMW EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated BMW EDC16 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated BMW EDC17 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated BMW EDC17 Torque monitoring with more variants - Updated BMW EDC17 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Chevrolet EDC16C39 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Chevrolet DCM3.7 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC16C8 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC16C39 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC16C39 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC16C39 MAF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC16C39 MAP LIN with more variants - Updated FCA EDC16C39 SWIRL OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC16C39 TVA OFF with more variants - Updated FCA SID803A EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Ford/Volvo/Mazda EDC16C34 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Ford/Volvo/Mazda EDC16C34 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID208 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID803A EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Honda EDC16C31 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Hyundai/Kia EDC16C39 KAT OFF with more variants - Updated Hyundai/Kia EDC16C39 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated LandRover EDC17CP42 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mazda Denso R2AX DPF + ADBLUE OFF with more variants - Updated Mazda RF7x/RF8x DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes CRD3-651 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes CRD3-651 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C2 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C2 SWIRL OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16CP36 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Opel EDC17C59 DPF OFF with more vatriants - Updated Opel MJD6 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen DCM3.4 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen EDC17C10 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen SID803 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen SID803A EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen EDC16C34 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen EDC16C34 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Renault/Nissan EDC16CP33 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault/Nissan SID305 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Subaru Denso DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG DCM3.7 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16CP34 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16CP34 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16CP34 KAT OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16CP34 SWIRL OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17CP14 SWIRL OFF with more variants - Updated VAG PCR2.1 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG MED9.5 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Volvo SID803 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Volvo SID803A EGR OFF with more variants Release 1.4.6 (25.05.2017) - Updated internal pre-processor - Updated Opel DCM3.7 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16C64 EGR OFF with more variants Release 1.4.5 (21.05.2017) - Added FCA EDC17C69 DPF OFF - Added FCA EDC17C69 EGR OFF - Added Iveco EDC17C69 DPF OFF - Added Iveco EDC17C69 EGR OFF - Added Hyundai/Kia EDC16C39 KAT OFF - Added Jeep EDC17C69 DPF OFF - Added Jeep EDC17C69 EGR OFF - Added LandRover SID204 EGR OFF - Added Mazda SH1/12/13/14 DPF OFF - Added Mazda SH1/12/13/14 EGR OFF - Added Mercedes CRD2-651 Torque monitoring - Added Mercedes CRD2-651 EGR OFF - Added Mercedes CRD3-651 EGR OFF - Added Mercedes EDC16CP31 EGR OFF - Added Mini EDC17C50 DPF OFF - Added Renault/Nissan/Opel EDC16C36 DPF OFF - Added Renault/Nissan/Opel EDC16C36 EGR OFF - Added Nissan SID301 DPF OFF - Added Opel DCM3.7 DPF OFF - Added Opel DCM3.7 EGR OFF - Added Peugeot/Citroen SID208 DPF OFF - Added Peugeot/Citroen SID208 EGR OFF - Added VAG DCM6.2 DPF OFF - Added VAG DCM6.2 EGR OFF - Updated Chevrolet EDC16C39 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen DCM3.4 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen SID803 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen EDC16C34 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated BMW EDC16 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16U DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Dodge EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC16C39 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID202/206 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Ford/Volvo SID803 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford/Volvo EDC16C34 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Honda EDC16C31 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Hyundai/Kia EDC17 Torque monitoring with more variants - Updated Hyundai/Kia EDC16C39 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mazda RF7x/RF8x DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mazda EDC16C34 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes CRD3-651 DPF OFF with more variants (previously named CRD3.10) - Updated Mercedes CRD3-651 Torque monitoring with more variants (previously named CRD3.10) - Updated Mercedes EDC16C2 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C31 SWIRL OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC17CP10 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mini EDC16C35 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault/Nissan EDC16CP33 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault/Nissan EDC16CP33 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Opel PSG16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Opel SH7058/59 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Opel/SAAB EDC16C39 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Suzuki EDC16C3 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG DCM3.7 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG DCM3.7 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16CP34 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16 WARM START with more variants Release 1.4.4 (21.03.2017) - Speed optimizations to contrast the slower functioning of the protection system - Added Hyundai/Kia EDC16C39 SWIRL OFF - Added Hyundai/Kia EDC16C39 TVA OFF - Added Jeep EDC16CP31 SWIRL OFF - Updated BMW EDC17 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID202/206 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Jeep EDC15 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Jeep EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C31 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants Release 1.4.3 (16.03.2017) - Updated VAG PPD DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG PPD EGR OFF with more variants - Updated PSA SID807 DPF OFF with more variants Release 1.4.2 (14.03.2017) - Added append solution type to filename - Added Hyundai/Kia EDC17CP14 DPF OFF - Added VAG DCM3.7 DPF OFF - Added VAG DCM3.7 EGR OFF - Updated BMW EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated BMW EDC16 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated BMW EDC17 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated BMW EDC17 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC16C39 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA MJ8F3 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA SID803A DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID202/206 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID803 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Ford EDC17C10 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes DCM3.2 Torque monitoring with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C31 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C31 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault/Nissan EDC17C42 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated PSA SID803A DPF OFF with more variants - Updated PSA EDC17C10 Torque monitoring with more variants - Updated Toyota DENSO DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Toyota DENSO EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG PPD DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Volvo SID803 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Volvo SID803 DPF OFF with more variants Release 1.4.1 (23.02.2017) - Updated protection messaging - Added Mercedes DCM3.2 Torque monitoring - Updated BMW EDC17 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated BMW EDC17 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC16C8 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC16C39 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC16C39 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC16C39 MAF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID202/206 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Hyundai/Kia EDC17 Torque monitoring with more variants - Updated Jeep EDC17 Torque monitoring with more variants - Updated Mercedes CRD3-651 Torque monitoring with more variants - Updated Mercedes DCM3.5 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C31 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C31 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C32 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Opel Delco E87 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault EDC16C3 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Renault EDC16CP33 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Renault SID301 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Smart EDC16C32 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Suzuki EDC16C3 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16CP34 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17 DPF OFF with more variants Release 1.4.0 (26.01.2017) - Added Iveco EDC17C49 EGR OFF - Added LandRover EDC17CP42 DPF OFF - Added LandRover EDC17CP42 EGR OFF - Added Mercedes EDC17CP46 ADBLUE OFF - Added Renault EDC15C3 EGR OFF - Updated Chevrolet EDC16C39 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC16C39 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC17C49 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated FCA SID803A DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen SID803A DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID202/206 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID202/206 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID803 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Hyndai/Kia EDC17 Torque monitoring with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16CP36 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC17CP10 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Nissan EDC16CP33 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Nissan EDC16CP33 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Nissan EDC17C42 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Opel PSG16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Opel EDC17C18 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault EDC16C3 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Renault EDC16CP33 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Renault EDC17C42 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17CP14 SWIRL OFF with more variants - Updated VAG IAW4MW EGR OFF with more variants Release 1.3.28 (19.12.2016) - Added Toyota EDC17C73 DPF OFF - Added Volvo EDC16C31 DPF OFF - Updated FCA SID803A DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA SID803A EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Hyundai EDC16C39 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Opel EDC17C18 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Opel EDC17C18 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen DCM3.4 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen SID803A DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen SID807 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17CP14 SWIRL OFF with more variants Release 1.3.27 (2.12.2016) - Added FCA EDC16C8 EGR OFF - Added Ford SID803 DPF OFF - Added Iveco EDC16C8 EGR OFF - Added Jeep EDC15 EGR OFF - Added LandRover EDC16CP39 EGR OFF - Added LandRover EDC16CP39 DPF OFF - Added VAG EDC16CP34 TVA OFF - Updated BMW EDC17 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated FCA MDJ6 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated FCA MDJ6 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA DCM3.5 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC16C39 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC16C39 SWIRL OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID208 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Opel MDJ6 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Opel MDJ6 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Jaguar SID204 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C2 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C31 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C31 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C32 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C32 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen DCM3.4 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen EDC17C10 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG PPD1.x EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG PPD1.x DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Volvo SID803 DPF OFF with more variants Release 1.3.26 (8.11.2016) - Added Volvo SID803A DPF OFF - Added Volvo SID803A EGR OFF - Updated BMW EDC17CP02 SWIRL OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC16C39 MAF OFF with more variants (added 1.9L) - Updated FCA EDC16C39 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford EDC17C10 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Iveco EDC16C39 VMAX OFF with more variants - Updated Jaguar SID204 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC15C6 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C2 SWIRL OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C31 SWIRL OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C32 SWIRL OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen EDC17C10 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen SID803A EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Subaru Denso DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16U DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16CP34 DPF OFF with more variants Release 1.3.25 (31.10.2016) - Added Peugeot/Citroen EDC16CP39 EGR OFF - Added Peugeot/Citroen EDC16CP39 DPF OFF - Added Mercedes EDC17C43 EGR OFF - Updated BMW EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated BMW EDC17 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Hyundai/Kia EDC16C39 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C31 SWIRL OFF with more variants - Updated Renault/Suzuki EDC16C3 DPF OFF message text Release 1.3.24 (24.10.2016) - Added Mini EDC17C41 EGR OFF - Added Mini EDC17C41 DPF OFF - Updated FCA EDC16C39 MAF OFF (1.6L & 2.0L) - Updated Peugeot/Citroen DCM3.4 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Honda EDC16C31 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Kia EDC16C39 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Land Rover SID203 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mazda Denso EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC17CP10 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants Release 1.3.23 (17.10.2016) - Added FCA EDC16C39 MAF OFF - Added FCA EDC16C39 TVA OFF - Added Mitsubishi Denso 4N13/14 DPF OFF - Updated BMW EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Chevrolet DCM3.7 with more variants - Updated Dodge EDC16 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC16C39 SWIRL OFF with more variants - Updated Iveco EDC16C39 VMAX OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID202-206 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID803A DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford EDC16CP39 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Ford EDC16CP39 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Jeep EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Jeep EDC16U31 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mazda Denso DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC17CP10 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC17C43 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mini EDC16C35 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Nissan SID305 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Nissan SID305 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Nissan EDC17C42 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Nissan EDC17C42 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Opel Denso DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Opel EDC16C39 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Opel EDC17C18/19 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Opel EDC17C42 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen SID807 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault/Dacia SID305 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Renault/Dacia SID305 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault EDC16C3 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Renault EDC17C42 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Toyota Denso EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Toyota Denso DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17C20 ADBLUE OFF with more variants Release 1.3.22 (03.10.2016) - Added Renault SID301 DPF OFF - Updated BMW EDC17 Torque monitoring with more variants - Updated Chevrolet DCM3.7 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen SID803A DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen EDC17C10 Torque monitoring - Updated BMW EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC16C39 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID803A DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford EDC17C10 Torque monitoring - Updated Jeep EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Jeep EDC16U31 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Kia EDC16C39 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mahindra EDC17C53 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes DCM3.5 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C2 SWIRL OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C32 SWIRL OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C32 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC17CP10 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Nissan EDC16CP33 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Nissan EDC17C42 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Opel PSG16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Opel EDC17C18/19 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated SAAB EDC16C39 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Toyota Denso DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17CP14 SWIRL OFF with more variants - Updated VAG MED9.1 Kat OFF with more variants - Updated Volvo SID803A DPF OFF with more variants Release 1.3.21 (29.08.2016) - Added Mercedes EDC16CP36 EGR OFF - Updated Toyota Denso EGR OFF message - Updated FCA MDJ8 DPF OFF with more variant - Updated Opel EDC17C18/19 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID208 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID208 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID202-206 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes DCM3.5 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C31 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault EDC16C3 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Renault EDC17C42 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17CP20 ADBLUE OFF with more variants Release 1.3.20 (16.08.2016) - Added Citroen Delphi 1.4HDI EGR OFF - Added Mahindra EDC17C53 DPF OFF - Added Mercedes EDC16C32 Swirl OFF - Updated Renault EDC16C3 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Renault/Nissan EDC17C42 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Hyundai EDC16 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford EDC16 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated BMW EDC17 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Opel PSG16 message text - Updated VAG EDC17 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG PCR2.1 EGR OFF with more variants Release 1.3.19 (25.07.2016) - Added Iveco EDC17CP52 DPF OFF - Added Iveco EDC17CP52 EGR OFF - Added Iveco EDC17CP52 VMAX - Added Nissan EDC17C42 EGR OFF - Added SAAB EDC16C39 EGR OFF - Updated BMW EDC16 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA MDJ6 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC16 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID202/206 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID202/206 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Iveco EDC16 VMAX with more variants - Updated Mercedes DCM3.5 Torque Monitoring - Updated Peugeot/Citroen SID807 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated SAAB EDC16C39 DPF OFF - Updated Renault EDC16C3 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG PCR2.1 EGR OFF with more variants for total solutions Release 1.3.18 (28.06.2016) - Added BMW EDC16C31/35 MAP Sensor Linearization + SVBL (4Bar) - Added FCA EDC16C39 MAP Sensor Linearization + SVBL (4Bar) - Updated Opel EDC16 MAP LIN with more variants and updated message with more info - Updated BMW EDC17 EGR OFF with more variants Release 1.3.17 (26.06.2016) - Updated internal pre-processor for extended Ford support - Added Opel EDC16 (Only 1.9CDTI) VMAX OFF - Added Opel EDC16 (1.7CDTI/1.9CDTI/2.0CDTI) MAP Sensor Linearization + SVBL (4Bar) - Added Mercedes Bosch EDC15C6 EGR OFF - Updated Peugeot/Citroen EDC16C34 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Opel EDC17C18 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID202/206 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC16C39 DPF OFF with more variants Release 1.3.16 (12.06.2016) - Added FCA IAW5SF HW401 KAT AFF - Added VAG EDC16U (03G906016xx) MAF OFF - [Beta] Please give feedback to help expand the solution. - Added Mazda Denso R2AX DPF + ADBLUE OFF - Added Mazda Denso R2AX EGR OFF - Updated Mazda Denso DPF OFF with more variants - Updated BMW EDC16 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16CP34 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Toyota Denso EGR OFF with more variants Release 1.3.15 (06.06.2016) - Added Mercedes CRD3-651 Torque monitoring - Added Renault/Nissan/Dacia SID305 EGR OFF - Added VAG EDC16CP34 KAT OFF - Divided VAG EDC16Uxx and EDC16CP34 into separate entries in the list - Updated VAG EDC16CP34 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault/Nissan/Dacia SID305 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Dodge EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Dodge EDC16 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC15 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA 8F2/8F3 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID202/206 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID202/206 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes DCM3.5 Torque monitoring with more variants Release 1.3.14 (23.05.2016) - Added Mercedes EDC17C43 DPF OFF - Added Opel PSG16 EGR OFF - Added new solution to Fiat EDC17C49 DPF OFF for models with lamp/message problem - Updated VAG EDC16 SWIRL OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17CP14 SWIRL OFF with more variants - Updated BMW EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated BMW EDC17 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Ford EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Honda EDC16 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault EDC17C42 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Toyota EDC17C07 DPF OFF with more variants Release 1.3.13 (06.05.2016) - Updated VAG EDC16 SWIRL OFF with more variants - Updated Chevrolet DCM3.7 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated BMW EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC16C39 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA SID803A EGR OFF with more switch variants - Updated Ford SID208 DPF OFF with more switch variants - Updated Jagaur SID204 EGR OFF with more vatriants - Updated SAAB EDC16C39 DPF OFF with more vatriants Release 1.3.12 (03.05.2016) - Added Dodge EDC16 EGR OFF - Added Dodge EDC16 DPF OFF - Added Land Rover SID203 EGR OFF - Added Opel EDC17C42 DPF OFF - Updated VAG EDC16 WARM START with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG PPD1.x EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG PPD1.x DPF OFF with more variants - Updated BMW EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated BMW EDC17 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated BMW EDC17 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated BMW EDC17CP02 SWIRL OFF with more variants - Updated BMW EDC17 Torque monitoring with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen SID803 DPF OFF with more switch variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen SID803A DPF OFF with more switch variants - Updated FCA EDC17C49 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated FCA SID803A DPF OFF with more switch variants - Updated Ford SID208 DPF OFF with more vatriants - Updated Jagaur SID204 EGR OFF with more vatriants - Updated Mazda Denso DPF OFF with more vatriants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C31 DPF OFF with more vatriants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C32 DPF OFF with more vatriants - Updated Nissan EDC17C42 DPF OFF with more vatriants - Updated Opel Delco E87 DPF OFF with more vatriants - Updated Opel Denso DPF OFF with more vatriants - Updated Opel EDC16C9 DPF OFF with more vatriants - Updated Opel EDC16C39 EGR OFF with more vatriants - Updated Opel EDC17C59 EGR OFF with more vatriants - Updated Renault EDC16C3 DPF OFF with more vatriants - Updated Renault EDC17C42 DPF OFF with more vatriants - Updated SAAB EDC16C39 DPF OFF with more vatriants Release 1.3.11 (05.04.2016) - Added VAG EDC16U OBD Read Protection - Added VAG EDC17CP14 WARM START - Added Ford EDC17C10 EGR OFF - Added Ford EDC17C10 DPF OFF - Added MB EDC16C2 SWIRL OFF - Updated VAG EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17CP14 SWIRL OFF with more variants - Updated BMW EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated BMW EDC16 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC16 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA MM8GF KAT OFF with more variants - Updated LandRover Visteon EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Opel EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Renault/Suzuki EDC16C3 DPF OFF message (disconnect only temperature sensor) - Updated Peugeot/Citroen SID803A DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen SID803A EGR OFF with more variants Release 1.3.10 (23.03.2016) - Extended engine decision logic - Added new category for SAAB (previously grouped with Opel) - Updated BMW EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated BMW EDC16 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17 SWIRL OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC16 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG IAW4MV EGR OFF with more variants Release 1.3.9 (21.03.2016) - Added check if filesize is too small to be valid - Added BMW EDC17CP02 Swirl OFF - Added Smart EDC16C32 DPF OFF - Added Smart EDC16C32 EGR OFF - Added Volvo SID803 DPF OFF - Updated Toyota Denso EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Opel EDC17C18 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen EDC16C34 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Ford/Mazda/Volvo EDC16C34 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C31/C32 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C31/C32 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Chevrolet EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Chevrolet DCM3.7 DPF OFF with more variants Release 1.3.8 (09.03.2016) - Added license manager (Change settings -> License Manager) - Added FCA EDC16C9 EGR OFF - Added Opel EDC16CP33 EGR OFF - Updated Opel EDC16C9/C39 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID202/206 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID208 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16 Warm Start with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17CP20-C46 Adblue OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen EDC17C10 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen DCM3.4 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Iveco EDC17C49 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault/Nissan EDC16CP33 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC16 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC17 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA MJ8F3 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Toyota Denso EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Toyota Denso DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C31/C32 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C31/C32 DPF OFF with more variants Release 1.3.7 (26.02.2016) - Updated VAG EDC16 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17 Swirl OFF with more variants - Updated Opel MJD6 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault SID305 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID202-206 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes DCM3.5 Torque Monitoring with more variants Release 1.3.6 (23.02.2016) - Added Mercedes EDC16C2 EGR OFF - Added Mercedes EDC16C2 DPF OFF - Added Mercedes EDC16C31 SWIRL OFF - Added Mercedes CRD3.10 DPF OFF - Added Subaru Denso (2.0L) DPF OFF - Added Ford/Volvo SID803 EGR OFF - Added Peugeot/Citroen SID803 EGR OFF - Added Peugeot/Citroen SID803 DPF OFF - Added Suzuki EDC16C3 EGR OFF - Updated BMW EDC17 EGF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17CP20-C46 Adblue OFF with more variants - Updated PSA SID803A EGR OFF with more variants - Updated PSA SID803A DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID804 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Hyundai/Kia EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Hyundai/Kia EDC16 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Jeep EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mazda DENSO EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mazda DENSO DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes DCM3.5 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C31 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C32 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Opel EDC16C39 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Opel EDC16C9 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Porsche EDC17 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Porsche EDC17 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault/Nissan EDC17C42 DPF OFF with more variants Release 1.3.5 (14.02.2016) - Important information is now highlighted in the message panel - Added Iveco EDC16C39 VMAX OFF - Added Ford Marelli MJD8F2/8F3 EGR OFF - Added Ford Marelli MJD8F2/8F3 DPF OFF - Added VAG EDC17CP20-C46 Adblue OFF - Updated VAG EDC17 Swirl OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16 Swirl OFF with more variants - Updated VAG PCR2.1 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated BMW EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Ford EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC17C49 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC16 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA MJD8F3 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID803A EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C32 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Opel MJD6 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Opel Delco DPF OFF with more variants Release 1.3.4 (06.02.2016) - Optimized engine processing speed - Added Jaguar SID204 EGR OFF - Added Jeep EDC16U31 EGR OFF - Added Jeep EDC16U31 DPF OFF - Updated Peugeot/Citroen DCM3.4 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated FCA DCM3.5 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC16 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA MJ8F3 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC17 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID202-206 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID208 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID208 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford/Mazda/Volvo EDC16C34 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Jaguar SID204 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated BMW EDC16 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C31/C32 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C31/C32 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Toyota Denso EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Toyota Denso DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC17 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Iveco EDC16 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Hyundai/KIA EDC17C08 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Nissan EDC16CP33 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault/Nissan SID305 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault/Nissan SID305 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Renault EDC16 DPF OFF with more variants Release 1.3.3 (01.02.2016) - Added Jaguar SID204 DPF OFF - Added Porsche EDC17 EGR OFF - Added Porsche EDC17 DPF OFF - Updated VAG EDC17 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Iveco EDC17 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated BMW EDC17 DPF OFF with more variants Release 1.3.2 (29.01.2016) - Added Mini EDC16C35 EGR OFF - Added Mini EDC16C35 DPF OFF - Updated Peugeot/Citroen SID803A EGR OFF with more variants - Updated FCA SID803A EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID803A EGR OFF with more variants Release 1.3.1 (29.01.2016) - Added Peugeot/Citroen EDC17C10 EGR OFF - Added Peugeot/Citroen EDC17C10 DPF OFF - Added Toyota Denso 2.0L/2.2L EGR OFF - Added Toyota Denso 2.0L/2.2L DPF OFF - Added Ford SID208 EGR OFF - Added Ford SID208 DPF OFF - Added FCA ME7.3.1 KAT OFF - Added Maserati ME7.3.2 KAT OFF - Updated BMW EDC16 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC16C39 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen EDC16C0/C34 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen EDC16C0/C34 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C31 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C31 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C32 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C32 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Opel Delco E87 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Opel Denso EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Opel Denso DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Opel EDC16C39 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated FCA Marelli MJ6D EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Renault/Nissan EDC16CP33 DPF OFF with more variants Release 1.3.0 (14.01.2016) - Added Toyota EDC17C07 DPF OFF - Added Renault EDC17C42 DPF OFF - Updated Opel EDC16 module - Updated Renault EDC16C3 partial file support - Updated Renault/Nissan EDC16CP33 partial file support - Updated BMW EDC16 with more variants Release 1.2.9 (12.01.2016) - Added VAG Marelli IAW 4MV EGR OFF - Added FCA 6JF EGR OFF - Added Dacia SID305 EGR OFF - Added Iveco EDC17C49 DPF OFF - Added Hyundai/KIA EDC17C53 EGR OFF - Added Hyundai/KIA EDC17C53 DPF OFF - Added PSA DCM3.5 Speed Limiter - Added PSA SID803/803A MAP Sensor Linearization + SVBL (4Bar) - Added Mercedes DCM3.5 Torque monitoring - Updated VAG EDC17 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated VAG PPD1.x DPF OFF with more variants - Updated VAG EDC16 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated PSA DCM3.5 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated PSA DCM3.5 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated PSA SID803A EGR OFF with more variants - Updated PSA DCM3.5 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated PSA DCM3.5 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Opel MJD6 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC16 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA EDC17 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated FCA SID803A EGR OFF with more variants - Updated FCA MJ8F2/8F3 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated FCA MJ8F3 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Iveco EDC16 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID202/206 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Ford SID803A EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Hyundai/KIA EDC17C08 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Hyundai/KIA EDC17C08 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes DCM3.5 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC16C31 EGR OFF with more variants - Updated Nissan EDC16CP33 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Nissan SID305 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault EDC16C3 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault SID305 DPF OFF with more variants - Updated Renault SID305 EGR OFF with more variants Release 1.2.8 (05.01.2016) - Added VAG EDC15P MAF to MAP Switch - Added VAG EDC15P MAP Sensor Linearization + SVBL (4Bar) - Added FCA EDC17C49 EGR OFF - Added IVECO EDC17C49 DPF OFF - Added Nissan/Dacia SID305 EGR OFF - Updated FCA EDC16 with more variants - Updated FCA EDC17 with more variants - Updated IVECO EDC16 with more variants - Updated Renault EDC16 with more variants - Updated Renault SID305 with more variants - Updated Ford SID201/206 with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen DCM3.5 with more variants Release Notes: - IVECO EDC16/EDC17 has it's own category now. Release 1.2.7 (29.12.2015) - Fixed gui panel sizing Release 1.2.6 (26.12.2015) - Added language definitions for messages - Added VAG EDC16 Warm Start - Added Ford SID804 EGR OFF - Updated BMW EDC16 with more variants - Updated Renault/Nissan/Dacia SID305 with more variants - Updated Ford SID202/206 with more variants - Updated FCA EDC17 with more variants - Updated Mercedes EDC17 with more variants - Updated Opel Delco E87 with more variants - Updated Peugeot/Citroen SID803A with more variants Release 1.2.5 (23.12.2015) - Extended partial file support to all Siemens - Extended partial file support to Opel Delco - Updated FCA Group EDC17 with more variants Release 1.2.4 (22.12.2015) - Updated Peugeot/Citroen partial file support - Added Iveco EDC16 DPF OFF Release 1.2.3 (21.12.2015) - Updated support for partial file sizes - Updated EDC17 Torque monitoring for faster processing speed - Updated Renault/Nissan SID305 for faster processing speed (from 13sec to 3sec) - Added FCA EDC16 Swirl OFF - Added Opel EDC16C9 DPF OFF - Updated EDC16C39 EGR OFF with more variants Release 1.2.2 (18.12.2015) - Added Ford SID202/206 DPF OFF - Updated with more variants BMW EDC16 - Updated with more variants FCA MJ8F2 - Updated with more variants FCA MJ8F3 Release 1.2.1 (09.12.2015) - Added filter listing by function description - Updated with more variants VAG EDC16 - Updated with more variants VAG EDC17 Release 1.2.0 (01.12.2015) - Added BMW EDC17 Torque monitoring - Added Peugeot/Citroen EDC17 Torque monitoring - Added Dacia EDC17 Torque monitoring - Added FCA Group EDC17 Torque monitoring - Added FCA Group ME7.9.10 Kat OFF - Added FCA Group ME7.9.10 Throttle valve unlock - Added FCA Group MM8GF Kat OFF - Added Ford EDC17 Torque monitoring - Added Hyundai/Kia EDC17 Torque monitoring - Added Land Rover Visteon EGR OFF - Added Mercedes ME2.0 Kat OFF - Added MB DCM3.5 Torque monitoring - Added Renault SID305 EGR OFF - Added VAG MED9.1 EGR OFF - Added VAG MED9.5 EGR OFF - Added VAG MED9.1 Kat OFF - Added VAG MED9.5 Kat OFF Release 1.1.0 (30.10.2015) - Fixed language spelling mistakes - Fixed message window unwanted text bug - Added VAG MED9.1 Kat OFF - Added VAG EDC16 Swirl OFF - Added VAG EDC17CP14 Swirl OFF - Added Mazda Denso EGR OFF - Added Renault EDC16C3 EGR OFF & DPF OFF - Updated with more variants VAG PPD - Updated with more variants BMW EDC16/EDC17 - Updated with more variants Chevrolet EDC16C39 - Updated with more variants Ford SID803A - Updated with more variants PSA DCM3.4 - Updated with more variants PSA SID803A - Updated with more variants Nissan/Renault EDC16CP33 - Updated with more variants Nissan/Renault SID305 - Updated with more variants Nissan/Renault DCM3.4 Release 1.0.0 (14.09.2015) - First official release