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[EN] Helpdesk access and annual holiday schedule -- May 5 2015, 10:25 AM

With the Helpdesk we can offer our custommers a better service and provide hand tailored solutions for each individual need.

If you have purchased a product that includes a support plan then you should register on our website and send us a notice by email.

Opening hours are from Monday to Friday, 09:00 to 13:00 and 15:00 to 19:00.

Our holiday schedule for the year is as follows.

Date Holiday
6 January Epifania - Befana
4 - 5 April Pasqua - Lunedì dell'Angelo - Pasquetta
25 April Anniversario della Liberazione
1 May Festa del Lavoro
2 June Festa della Repubblica
15 August Ferragosto - Assunzione
4 September - 17 September Chiusura per Ferie
1 November Tutti i Santi - Ognissanti
8 Dicember Immacolata Concezione
24 Dicember - 1 January Christmas - New Years