
MTX Electronics » Forum » Software » Fiat ECU Flasher
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mer ago 03 2011, 08:37
messaggi: 7
I will wait. Thank you.
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dom ago 14 2011, 01:02
MTX Electronics
messaggi: 45
I have uploaded the new version that should resolve your connection problems. I have tested it on both my computers and it works pretty good.

I found that the timing issues only involved the wakeup procedure because the FTDI TX/RX buffer purge function will take anywhere from 2ms to 20ms based on the computers speed and this was making the ecu abort.

Please take note that:

- all functions (identification, read & write) will do a wakeup sequence before issuing any other commands so if you get an error just try again and it should work.

- in this version for security until it has been tested on more vehicles I have disabled full flash writing because this will erase all flash & write all bin data back but if something goes wrong you will not be able to get control back from the ecu. Instead the current write function will only erase the map area & write map data so if something goes wrong the ecu will have all program data intact and can be safely rebooted/reprogrammed ;)
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mar ago 16 2011, 12:54
messaggi: 7
Tried new version today and works great. Took less than a minute to read the flash. I haven't write any data back to flash so far, but i let you know if there is any problem.

Thank you.
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mar ago 16 2011, 06:20
MTX Electronics
messaggi: 45
Nice to hear that it is working for you :) In the next release I will have DTC error codes reading & reset.

Also for your information the free MapAnalyzer software has an option to automatically identify the most important maps in your EDC15C7 bin file and will show you the start address of the map & 2D view. You can download it free in the download section.
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ven dic 11 2020, 05:32
messaggi: 1
Ciao. ci sono problemi con il programma, aiuto. (cavo rimosso!)
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dom dic 13 2020, 09:38
messaggi: 19
Ciao, che cavetto obd stai utilizzando?
Per funzionare il cavo obd deve montare il chip USB della FTDI e il software utilizza il driver D2XX per comunicare.
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